Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After our swimming pool excursion on Saturday, Avery parked it in a flowerless flowerbed and dug in the dirt foreverrr.  Then she & her daddy took Kerbs on a walk.  Notice her diaper still EXPLODING with pool water haha.  Whoops :)
Avery led the way!
After getting all cleaned up, she had some TERRIFIC snuggle time with her daddy before bed.
While daddy played golf on Fathers' Day, Lenny came to visit us!  He hung out with Avery, Ames, & I and even brought Avery and Cameron each a fun (& loud!) little Madagascar stuffed character! Avery loves anything that makes lots of noise!
Last night, Ave & I watched daddy play softball... but Averton was MUCH more interested in the red dirt/mud.  By this point, her cute little blue dress was RED...and so were her hands, feet, and bottom!!  She was seriously in heaven.  Nothing some Shout & Tide couldn't handle!!

This morning, daddy dropped Avery off to hang out w/Colt, Angela, & Blake while I went to a Cameron check up!  No real progress, but everything is looking great and normal...so we'll see again in a week!  Only 23 MORE DAYS!!!!

This evening, B hung out w/Ave while I met my friend Kayla @ Starbucks.  We usually meet every Tuesday but hadnt been able to in a few weeks, so the time was MUCH appreciated!!  She's getting married in September so it was GRRREAT to catch up on the details of the wedding planning!! CANT WAIT for the big day!

1 comment:

Mandy Rose said...

I love Avery's blown up diaper! We've been there...a million times! Too cute!