Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crib Bedding!!

Now that we know we're having another little girlie...I am on the prowl for the perfect crib bedding!  Thus far, I've had no luck finding anything perfect.  I know I don't want anything that's predominantly pink.   I'm hoping to find something more natural....with yellow or teal...or both...as the main color.  Our crib is dark brown wood.  One little issue I keep coming across is that "Cameron" is kind of a gender-neutral name, so I want the bedding to be girly!!...just not pink.  AH!

Oh.  And I also don't want to pay a ton.  Picky?  Yes.  I know.  

Let me know if you have any ideas of where to look!  I've scoured the websites of Target, Babies'R'Us, BuyBuyBaby, BabyDirect.  I'm thinking I might have to pick out the fabrics and have a bumper & skirt made.... but that freaks me out.  BC what if I do NOT like the result?!  Ah.

Good thing I've got 4 months!!

I love this one:  HOWEVER- my love is not worth $700!!
picture credit: http://www.laylagrayce.com


Blair @ Reasonably Swanky said...

Javis Davis Bedding.com

Restoration Hardware Baby

JC Penny.com actually has really cute stuff too.

Unknown said...

I love that yellow and blue!! I bet you can trust someone to make something if you can show them a really detailed picture of what you want!! Good luck!! :)

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I cannot wait for the day to decorate my children's nurseries! Actually I can wait, I know it is part of the plan, just not now.

I found this super cute website one day when I was looking for some gifts and they have some super cute bedding...

Ivy said...

that bedding is gorgeous!

Morgan and Jamie said...

Hey Roxanne! I Love reading your blog! Avery is so cute!! I read this today and immediately thought of a bedding collection I remember from working at pb kids called stella. It is teal, yellow, green, and white. Girly, adorable, and before I mentioned I checked to make sure they still have it and it is on CLEARANCE! 29.99 for the bumper! Anyway, just thought i'd share. Good Luck and congrats on baby #2. LOVE LOVE both your girls names! 2 of my longtime faves.
Jamie (crumbaugh) Trotter

Ami said...


very cute and girly without being PINK!