Since I launched my Fitness Business, I have been managing 2 twitter accounts: 1 personal, 1 business. WHOA. It gets a little OOC to try to keep up with TWO separate accounts. I have felt SO limited in what I can "tweet" about with each account. Because there have been 2, I feel as though I'm not "allowed" to tweet about anything fitness/business related with my personal account, which limits my accessibility. On the other hand, I feel like I can't tweet about anything relating to ME or my life when using my biz account, which makes my biz account completely void of any personality. Solution? CONSOLIDATE!! Next week, I'm deleting my business twitter account {@thegoodlife_tx} and sticking to a single account! I also JUST decided to change my "handle" from @roxybradford to @RoxyBGoodLife. Nice little combo of me AND what I represent :) Feel free to follow to hop on over to twitter and follow me to keep Hangin' with the Bradfords, AND for access to relevant fitness/health/wellness info! Yay :) Burden Lifted.
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