Thursday, August 28, 2014

Aves' Kinder Chronicles: Week 1

Well.... this is something I've gotta keep track of in a place where I can keep it FOREVER.  It's proving to be QUITE the transition for my sweet girl and thus, for the whole Bradford crew!

Day 4:
Aves was 100% OVER THE MOON that she finally got to go to the library.  She couldn't stop mentioning it while we were on our ice cream date after school.

Speaking of the ice cream date... This morning's drop off was the most traumatic yet.  Sweet girl just... Freaked.  She jumped onto the back of the passenger seat and gripped with ALL of her strength.  She was aBAWLING and yelling "no no NO-o-ooo mommy!  Mommmmyyyyyyy I don't WANNA go.  I wanna stay with youuuu. Mommyyyheeeeeheeeee. Nooooo. No No No NO! {insert shrill scream here}"

The 2 POOR souls who tried to excavate her from the vehicle had no luck, so I was forced to park and walk her in.  And of course I chose this morning to let Camo & Palmer sleep in a little and just put them straight in the car wearing Pjs.  Or... half PJs.  haha... t shirts and pantees/diaper.  Cameron looked SUPER presh but SLIGHTLy inapprop.  And I wasn't wearing a bra.  Hahahaha.  BUT.. I DID THOROUGHLY enjoy getting to actually hug and kiss my little nugget before they tag-teamed peeling her off of me and taking her inside. 

For the record, Aves LOVED her day, and said she always stops crying before she gets to her classroom.  So that's encouraging.  But this drop off meltdown thing is HARD on a momma's heart.  ANywho... I decided that since Brian happened to be home early today (Thanks, God, for the hookup!!,) Aves and I needed a little super focused 1-on-1 time together.  And of course she wanted ice cream.  So off to Mickey D's we went.  She ordered ice cream.  I broke my FIX and got a big old DELICIOUS iced vanilla coffee.  We sat on twirly chairs. I chased her around the place trying to tickle her (because she was begging me to).  We chatted about her day and just random things going on around us.  It was just.  AWESOME.  I rarely get uniterrupted time to be COMPLETELY present with my daughters, and I can't put into words how much I ADORE times like today.  I got to hug on her and love on her and chat with her and LISTEN to her and just.  BE.  BE WITH my GIRL.  

I prayed over her and WITH her a WHOLE bunch today and tonight.  Even while both Aves AND Camo were laying in bed screaming as if posessed by demons because they are exhausted and thrown off their game and just... still babies trying to adjust to a big change.  But.  I'm happy to report that an hour and 7 minutes after getting "to bed," girlfriends are sleeping DEEPLY, awaiting the ugly kindergarten alarm they WILL grow to love ;) 

Proud of my Aves and my Cam-Cam and even my little Palmer-bug too <3 br="" nbsp="">

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Woods Edge... and finally STARTING to settle in!!

So B-Riz and I were CRUSHED to leave LOTS of things in Frisco/McKinney (OF COURSE our friends, mostly but also...) OUR CHURCH!!!  Hope Fellowship was our HOME.  It's where we found our best friends (aka-framily), where we found a place to be FED by a SUPER great and gifted preacher, Mr. John McKinzie.  MAN we miss him.  And them. 

BUT!  I'm pumped to say that we have found a church home here in Spring (well..actually our church is the BACCKKKK of the Woodlands...minor details...).  Woods Edge is a VERY cool place.  A different approach kind of.  Or maybe I should say a different focus?  Different style?  They are BIG on PRAYER.  They are BIG on making Houston a CITY OF GOD (which is so so so so cool).  They are a part of the One Mission, which I think is pretty darn amazing.  They do major work in Israel and CONNECT with the people there.  The preacha-man is a humble, middle-aged, quirky, emotional, wonderful dude.  The more time we spend there, the more at home we are beginning to feel. 

AND!!  They FINALLY have a setup for connecting people to small groups.  They've struggled with that part of things for years (like most churches, i think!) but recently hired a new dude to take that role...the "connections pastor" i think is what they're calling him.  And... he sure as heck is gonna help us CONNECT!  We are SO ready.  We are cravvvving some intimate relationships.  B-Rizzle needs some man-time.  We need some bible study action with other people. 

I did my first women's bible study this summer and met some cool chicas.  Like I said... kind of a different vibe than I'm accustomed to, but I ALWAYS love for God to open my eyes and my heart to new aspects of WHO HE is and what He's calling us/me to.  YAY GOD!

Here's to new beginnings (that take over a year to actually start progressing, ha!)
ANd HERE'S to a church home!! :) 

Monday, August 11, 2014

On depression. And celebrity death. And ISIS...

Well I'm heartbroken to hear of another celeb taking his own life as an end to a long battle with depression.  Depression ALWAYS makes me sad because for some reason, someone decided that it's a shameful thing, and you shouldn't talk about it.  I can't stand that.  It makes me angry and it makes me want to just HUG every person battling depression.  Like... everyday.  800 times a day.  And tell them they're loved.  And LISTEN to them talk.  And spill their feelings and their heart and whatever is going on inside.  I can't imagine feeling so hopeless AND feeling like a fool for feeling that way.  I believe it's a clinical illness, but I also believe it's an instrument of Satan.  One that he knows is powerful and brings along with it so many other complications like guilt and shame.

Celebrities carry SO much weight in this country.  Because we watch them every day.  We hear about them.  Their voice & INFLUENCE are heard on politics, fashion, religion, lifestyle.... EVERYTHING!  It's silly, but it's the truth.  Whether we like it or not, they carry some MAJOR weight when it comes to impacting the lives of the people in this country.  And so... a celebrity suicide is a big deal.  It's a PUBLIC example of a person who, despite "having it all" according to cultural standards, lost ALL HOPE.  Completely and totally felt worthless and hopeless enough to end life.  That's  a BIG deal.  And it's a SAD deal.  Because it's a soul who did not know that there IS HOPE in CHRIST.  I believe that as a follower and lover of Jesus Christ, i SHOULD be bothered and UPSET by that. 

Am I bothered by ISIS and all of the terrible things happening in that part of the world?  ABSOLUTELY rips at my heart and my gut.  I THANK God that their souls are HIS.  I thank God that whatever TERRIBLE death might await those people who are hiding out in the mountains, trying to avoid being murdered or raped or torchered, they will be in eternity with Him when their time here ends.  I PRAY and BEG that He will rescue them from the horrific stuff I've been hearing about.  But again, I am ENCOURAGED by their faith.  That they are taking their belief in our God with them to the ends of the earth at ALL costs.  I am humbled and destroyed by it. 

So with all that's happening in this lovely world we live in, I will say this:  Nothing surprises me, but the reality of suicide, of religious genocide, of people being torchered by other humans OR by Satan himself... will NEVER stop breaking my heart.  I accept that it's a "fallen world" but my heart will ache for the peace of His Kingdom come ALWAYS.  In the meantime, I will pray for the celebrity battling depression, for the innocent child being torchered because he happens to live in a country where Christianity is unacceptable, for the homeless guy I drive by every week, for the orphaned children ALL over the world who are INNOCENT, for my neighbor who is struggling in her marriage... there is no struggle undeserving of compassion and prayer and no tragedy unworthy of attention and tears.  Not in my book.  Because as I understand it, that's how it is in God's book.

Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be Your name.  Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on Earth just as it is in Heaven! Thine is the KINGDOM and the POWER and the GLORY forever!!!!  Have mercy on Your people, God.