Anyway, this got me really thinking about people who don't believe in God. It seriously just kind of breaks my heart. I can't relate and really have no way of understanding this train of thought. I have believed in God and Jesus since I can remember. My entire life is based around my belief that I serve the One True God and that His son, Jesus, sacrificed his life on the cross for my salvation. It's where my joy comes from. It's where my purpose comes from. It's where my hope lies.
When Christmas season rolls around, along with it comes the idea that we shouldn't forget the "reason for the season." I feel like not only should we remember why we celebrate this happy joyful time of year, but we should also take this time to prayyyyy it up for nonbelievers. At a time when Jesus is the focus (or is supposed to be), shouldn't we be focusing not only on his sacrifice, but on his LIFE...on the fact that his entire purpose was to save us from the world. Since he is no longer here, shouldn't we be doing our part in that effort? I'm not saying we should go knock down ppl's doors with Jesus flyers, or scream on the corners about the gates of hell (puhLEASE don't do that mess) but just spend some time praying that the Holy Spirit is MOVING and that we are reflecting His Beautiful Light to any and everyone we come in contact with! Sounds cheesy. But dude. It's The Truth...right? The Truth of our every day.
K...that's my soapbox.
DISCLAIMER: If you are not a believer, I think no more and no less of you. It makes me sad that you don't believe in the God I serve, but I love you (A LOT!!) and want to be your friend (really bad) regardless of your faith. Promise. I mean that with every fiber of my being.
I am an atheist and it goes both ways. you were brought up with religion and God since you can I wasnt. Saying that you feel "sad" for someone who doesn't beleive in God is ignoraant. Use your energy and feel sad for the homelss, starving kids, the kids of our armed forces who are losing their parents everyday. Do not feel sorry for people who do not believe in God, it is a waste of your energy.
As I stated, I can't understand the other side of the issue...I'm not capable, so sure, you can call it ignorance if you want. But feeling "sad" is simply an emotion that I can't help feeling. It's not "pity", just ...sad...bummed out...whatever you want to call it.
I appreciate your thoughts though. For sure.
Love you Roxanne. You speak the truth and it reflects my feelings exactly. Praise Jesus!
Just wanted you to know it's ok to feel "sad" when others don't know Christ. :) It is very sad to watch others miss out on something so great and important!
To Anonymous: If you're going to accuse Roxanne of being ignorant, at least have the dignity to reveal who you are. I believe you have greatly misunderstood her post. Her intentions were pure and it is unfortunate that you did not see it that way. Even if you don't understand it, she is happy to "waste her energy" on you because that is what God asks of us.
Precious Roxanne,
I love your heart for God and I love that you will proclaim it boldly for all of the world (and cyberspace) to see. You are a shining light in a fallen world.
Love you,
I too feel sad for people that cannot find God. When I had my little girl it made me think, "How can people not believe in God when he has created such an awesome thing for a baby to be born." Then when I nursed her, I again thought, "How can people not believe in God when he provided a way for a mother to be the sole provider for a baby's nutrition." How could anyone do this but God. It's amazing.
I always enjoy reading your blog. You have so many wonderful thoughts to share, thanks for that! After reading this one I thought you might enjoy this new Christmas song. A friend of ours here is singing it and it was written by her dad, a song really focused on the meaning of the season, It's called "Where's the Line to See Jesus"
Jamie T.
Roxanne - with you 100%. Especially sad during this time of year... Preach what you believe at all times.
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