God blessed Brian, Avery & I a year ago with the birth of our baby munchkin, Cameron Lily Bradford! Can't believe you're 1, my sweet!! We love having your spunky, silly, rambunctious little personality in our lives everyday, and we loved getting to celebrate just YOU this past weekend. It hurts my heart sometimes that Cameron never gets a change to be in the spotlight all by herself, but this weekend was alllll about her!
hi, im one!! |
Friday was her actual birthday, which we spent @ the doc for her one-yr check-up.
One Year Stats:
Height: ?? (90% or something along those lines)
Weight: 20lb 4oz (38%)
@ the doc |
Words: hi, bye-bye, more "moh"
Tricks: high fives, blowing kisses, giving hugs, waving, dancing, bouncing, singing, climbing on EVERYthing
Fave things: giving hugs, morning snuggles, attention from big sis, snacks, avery's sippy, BLANKY!, the big purple bouncy ball, the pool
We met daddy for a little b-day lunch @ The Salad Stop, we ate cupcakes, C-Lil napped it up, and then we met some outta town friends @ Top Golf. The boys played and Shelbs and I just loved on the girls :) It was a good night and a great day!
Proud daddy, wiped-out 1-yr-old! |
Saturday morning was Camo's First Birthday Party! We played it super low-key. Just 2 other families & their kiddos, no out of town guests. We missed the grandparentals FOR sure, but I canNOT tell you how awesome and adorable it was to have a small group. We didn't miss a single detail of the little one's interactions. Hope you had fun C-Lil! We'll document the details when we get some pics!
Cameron, my angel baby, I adore every little thing about you. It's crazy how completely you & Aves are in so many ways, but it's so super cool to see! God has blessed you with gifts that differ big time from your what he's gifted your big sis with, and I think you two will be a killer team for His Kingdom when you grow up! I can't imagine a better morning than one spent on the couch w/CamCam snuggles. I can't imagine a better road trip than one with little Camo singing along w/whatever music is on. I can't imagine a better afternoon than one spent watching my baby munchkins play together and hug on each other. I can't imagine a better life than the one you, your big sis, & your daddy give me every day! You guys have all redefined who I am, and there's nothing I'd rather be than a mommy/wife to my wonnnderful little familia :)
Looking SO forward to watching you grow and change every single day, my sweet! LOVE you SOOOOOO much!!