Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Zodiac Sign!??! What the...

Well.  Today is a big day.  Today marks the day that I am no longer a Capricorn.  According to some astronomer dude, shifts in the earth's alignment have led to the discovery of...brace yourselves...a 13th ZODIAC SIGN...the Ophiuchus?? Hmm...

Okay... I'm serious about this story...but I'm totally kidding about caring.  I have never and probably WILL never care what my horoscope says on any given day.  For all of you who DO care though, I thought you might like to know :)

So from one capricorn sagittarius to another...
sleep tight, 
don't let the Ophiuchus bite...


Danielle said...

lol not only that, but it only applies to those born after 2009.

Tbaby said...

hahahaha you're so funny;)