Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In case you were wondering...

So, our ultrasound appointment yesterday was the bommmmbbb!! :) We found out that on May 8, 2009 (or somewhere around there) little Avery Nicole Bradford will be joining our fam!! WE. ARE. PUMPED. It was superrrr cool to watch her squirm around on the screen. She was alllll curled up for most of the time, but we finally got her to start moving around. She even gave us a big, ADORABLE yawn :) Ahhhh, I'm in love. I wish we caught her yawn on the camera, but we didn't quite make it. Time to start thinking "bAby RoOm!!" I was actually telling Brian last night that, as selfish as it is, the baby thing I'm MOST excited about getting is a jogging stroller so Avery and I can go outside, be happy, & play in the sun together!

In other news, I finished my Patho class today. Took the final. Donesky. Awesome. OH- and I don't know if I have shared this news with the blog world, but I will no longer be attending nursing school in January. I have come to realize over the last couple of months that as excited as I was about nursing SCHOOL, a nursing career is not something I want for my life. Plus, I absolutely loovvvve my current job, and am ecstatic about having more time to give to it (until Avery comes along). Brian and I talked about it quite a bit, prayed about it, lots of things went into it, and for now- this is the conclusion we came to, and we both feel GREAT, happy, and super peaceful... can't beat that peaceful easy feeling :)
Brian's company, Pfizer, is having a giant restructuring and layoff in January. They'll let everyone know their fate at the beginning of the month and any changes will take effect in March. Keep us in your prayers, as we know we have NO control over the company's decisions! We're not worried, but we know that some big changes could be in store for us, and we just pray that God is preparing us in every way for whatever is to come!

* * * * * * * * * *
There have been quite a few somewhat recent events from which I never posted pics... I think I'll just feature one recent event at the end of each post for the next week or I'll have some pic updates FINALLY!
The first: DaNe & juLiE's wEdDiNg was in November. Everyone had a BLAST...and being back in Austin was super cool too. Got to see lots of fam & friends that we love a LOT <3
We missed you Reidster! Can't wait til you're back in Tejas!
Nickybabe and his new VERY pretty wifey, KimWIth the super good-looking bride and groom <3
The old gang + 2 new additions (B & Jules) - Reidling


Carrie Jo Howard said...

Avery! Sooo cute! Congrats on the baby GIRL!!! :)

Jacci said...

scarlett and i cannot wait to meet miss avery nicole. :) i love you so much!

the tichenor family said...

Precious name! Can't wait to meet her. We'll be praying for Brian's job! God will take care of you no matter what.

Jason and Lindsey said...

yeah for a sweet baby girl. how exciting! get to decorating:)