Musings from RoxyB; a wife, mom, fitness trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, stork-lady, and most importantly: daughter of The Most High.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Beaver Lake
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Holiday Movie Marathon!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008 all her glory <3
Today at the gym I had my very first (not to mention, very BOLD) "Are you pregnant?" It made me happy!
I like calling my belly a "her" instead of "it".
Since I can't do an all-over dye on my hair during pregnancy, I am SERIOUSLY considering getting my hurr a professional. The roots are OOC, and if I highlight it myself without putting some darker color in it first, I'll look nice and trashy.
An email I received today from informed me that as a pregnant woman, I need to do the following:
- Get a pedicure.
- Get my hurr did.
- Buy some new lingerie
I'm surrrre that #s "1" and "2" can be arranged...however, I'll edit #3 a bit and just get a new bra since most of mine don't fit anymore! Life with boobs is interesting...I'll have to share a funny little story about that next time.
Merry Thursday to all, and to all a GOOOOODnight :)
Christmas Fiesta!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
In case you were wondering...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Feedback requested! :)

Anyyyyyy thoughts??
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Picture Tag
Every year, the Curry and Freede fams go on our Annual Easter Camping trip to Pedernales Falls. This is from Easter 2007, when we were forced to keep approx 25 people in a little house on the the Agan's ranch because the weather was so terrible. It SNOWED, we lost power, we played lots of mafia, and just acted a fool. It was awesome...and me and Nug obviously thoroughly enjoyed the snow (as you can see!) I tag: Ivy, Jamie Blackburn, Nug, & Loobs
You must do the following:
1. Open the 4th folder in your "My Pictures" folder...or whatever location you keep your pics on the computer.
2. Open the 4th picture in the folder and upload it to your blog.
3. Tell us allll about the pic!!
4. Tag 4 more people to do the same!!
Have fun :) Don't CHEAT!! It's okay if your pic is random and pointless... :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
On the road again... (as always!)
EXCITING UPDATE!!! -I didn't find the camera cord to put pics on the computer, I DID however, find the little chip that fits our computer's memory drive you know what this means!??!!? Starting Monday, I WILL ONCE AGAIN BE POSTING PICS!!! So, for those of you who have forgotten what Brian and I look like: Have no fear! Come Monday, our smiling faces will be only a click away :)
Have a super fun, festive, cozy, hayride-enjoying, christmas-carol-singing, study-free weekend!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Nothin' like a weekend at home sweet home <3
On Saturday morning, we both slept in til almost 10:00!! Ahhhh it was an amazing feeling to wake up @ 4 different times and just lay there and fall right back asleep. We had some yummy Braums for lunch and then worked allllllllll day in the backyard and on unpacking/organizing the house. We still have quite a bit of work to do, but man- we were ULTRAproductive and it felt great. We had planned FOREVER to go see the 20th anniv production of The Nutcracker (one of my all-time favs), but didn't realize that it was during the conference championship games, so we ended up nixing the ballet and watching football all afternoon/night. Good times.
Sunday we went to church IN TYLER for once, had some delish McAllister's, knocked a couple more much-needed errands, and then worked on the house even MORE! Today is a GREAT Monday because I actually feel somewhat relaxed and NOT overwhelmed when I look at our steadily-shrinking pile of boxes to unpack :)
Yayyy for weekend at home.
Oh, ps- we find out in EIGHT DAYS!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It was jussst fabulous to be with Rachey, Rand, Rileton, and Reidy-boo. We went to see Four Christmases... PRETTY silly, but of course I liked it. I think Vince Vaughn is hilar...always. Love the guy. Annnd on Friday night, our fam went to the Freedes. The kiddos played golf (a fun new card game I learned and love) while the adults played Wii... oh man. It was great. Our parentals were jumping around the room, screaming, grunting, flailing. Pure entertainment. Rachey's arm was QUITE sore the next day.
On Saturday my mom and I dragged (and I mean that literally) our hubbies kicking and screaming to a wedding. Schwinnybabe got married...she is now Mrs. Lindsay Gentles, ha, funny name. We enjoyed cracking jokes about that one all night. B and I headed over to a great couple friends' house to watch the OU-OSU game. It was 3 couples...all 3 preggers! They're both farther along than me so it was great to grill them with questions :)
OH! Also over T-giv break, my wedding video finalllllllllllly arrived!! Yayyy!! I've watched it twice already. We even subjected the Freede/Agan fam to the whole thing ha. Artista media did a great job with the just took a while. Oh well. He even got some SUPER important shots that our photog didn't capture. So it worked out perfectly :)
Happy Hump-day everyone!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The NEXT day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl...YAYYY for Tuesday, Dec.16th!!
The following weekend, my parentals and bros are coming to stay with us in Tyler to have our Curry Christmas. Superrrrrrr excited about that one too. Our first official guests in our new house!
And then, of course, it's CHRISTMAS WEEK with the Bradfords. It's the year for the Big Bradford Christmas, and Brian and I are super pumped. I can't believe it's already Christmas season, 2008.