This is the Nasal Irrigation system that Brian's dad swears by. I have always been against putting ANYTHING into my nasal passage, but this weekend I was desperate...and this stuff ROCKS.
I've never really thought of myself as a high maintenance person, but when I'm sick I just want to lay around and sleep to get better. If that means not eating very much then so be it. Well, Brian just won't allow for me to miss a meal when I'm sick. He spent the whole weekend cooking for me (whatever I pleased), making runs to the store to buy me medicine, nasal irrigation systems (ha!), throat soothing tea, kleenex boxes galore, etc. And he seemed happy to do it! We even missed church because he let me sleep in on Sunday morning (even though he is INSANELY anxious to visit churches so that we can find a church home). How UNSELFISH, right? He made my FAV breakfast on Sunday morning (cinnamon rolls) and as DISGUSTING as I was (what with the constant nose blowing, hacking cough, loud heavy breathing, and pale nasty face) he never once acted as though I was a burden. What a stud. Since Friday morning, I don't think I've gone 15 minutes without Brian asking me if there's anything I need. I almost feel ridiculous, but hey...if the offer is there, why not accept it right? So, basically... my husband is awesome. He takes amazing care of me. I am SO annoyed with myself right now, so I don't know HOW he isn't. I am a lucky (and at the moment, gross!) girl :) LOVE YOU BISTRO!!!
PS- Tyler def earend a few Cool Points on snowed here pretty much ALLL DAYYY!!! How cool is that??
1 comment:
poor sexy! i hope you start to feel better soon! way to go Brian for being such a stud!! :) LOVE YOU ROX!
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