Today the weather was BEAUTIFUL here...for the first time in a LONG time! So...I took full advantage of the fact that I am taking the week off from work and sat on the front porch in the SUN and read a REALLY GOOD book. I tied Kerbey to a tree right by me and let her play...she LOVES being in the sun, but rarely gets a chance to do it! Well, in the middle of being lost in Novel-land, Kerbey's whimpers jarred my attention. I looked up and noticed that she had managed to completely tangle her legs up in the leash that was keeping her tied to the tree and she was having a ROUGH time trying to free herself. This video chronicles only 1 of approximately 7 incidences of Kerbey getting all twisted up! I thought it was hilar. (which you can tell from my obnoxious laughter in the background of the video. In obnoxious that you might want to turn off the sound before you watch!)
P.S. I promise I'm not mean! It was just...reaaalllllly funny at the time!
Musings from RoxyB; a wife, mom, fitness trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, stork-lady, and most importantly: daughter of The Most High.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
LOVVVVE is in the air!!!!! <3
OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS!!! Okay, so I am beyond ecstatic. Nicky babe is engaged!!!!!!!! 2 of my besties are IN LOVE and ENGAGED and I am seriously just SOOO excited!!! Each of these dudes is totally awesome and amazing and deserves an amazing Godly woman (which both of them have found, ps)

Look at these beautiful couples :))) I gotta say, they found some GORGEOUS women!!
I wish I could help them plan their weddings!! I feel as though it's my brother getting married. When I was planning my wedding I was THIS CLOSE to having Nickybabe and Dane-o as "bridesmen," but in the end decided that the idea of 12 bridesmaids was just ridic. Anywho, I proposed the idea of N & D having a joint wedding and allowing me to be a Best (wo)Man. I'm not sure they're quite as excited about that idea as I am ;)
Anyway...CoNgRaTuLaTioNs to Nicky Babe and Kim and a belated CoNgrAts to Dane-o and Julie!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at these beautiful couples :))) I gotta say, they found some GORGEOUS women!!
I wish I could help them plan their weddings!! I feel as though it's my brother getting married. When I was planning my wedding I was THIS CLOSE to having Nickybabe and Dane-o as "bridesmen," but in the end decided that the idea of 12 bridesmaids was just ridic. Anywho, I proposed the idea of N & D having a joint wedding and allowing me to be a Best (wo)Man. I'm not sure they're quite as excited about that idea as I am ;)
Anyway...CoNgRaTuLaTioNs to Nicky Babe and Kim and a belated CoNgrAts to Dane-o and Julie!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
MoRe MoViEs...
We've been on quite a movie spree lately....I guess with the combination of being sick and ACTUALLY having friends to hang out with...that makes for a lot of movie-watching :) Not such a bad thing...
Anyway, here goes!

Awesome movie! The trailor sparked my interest a long time ago and then we just never made it to the theater to check it out so we Redboxed it (my new fav thing) and it was worth every bit of that $1.08 we spent! Great plot, great acting, touching, realistic, and an interesting perspective of what's going on in the minds of the people directly involved with war. It's intrigues me to realize that such violence can be the result of a devout (not to mention insanely radical) faith! These people really believe that they are bringing glory to God, or Allah, through their efforts to exterminate the world of Christians.

Um...Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman...enough said. But...I'll go ahead and elaborate. I gotta admit, at first, I was SO annoyed that this dude was just gonna leave his fam in the dust to "live it up" for his last few months...but it turned out to be awesome :) I just basically don't think it's possible to make a movie with these two that ISN'T thoroughly entertaining! OH!! This movie even features Jack from Will&Grace...but STRAIGHT!?!? SO weird... anyway, summary of the movie: Funny. Sad. Happy. Touching. Thought-provoking. Jack Nicholson's eyebrows. Check it out :)

Let me start by saying that i LOVE Diane Lane. She is gorgeous and all-naturelle and a darn good actress if you ask me. Anyway, Brian and I weren't huge on seeing this, but we blown off the couple who invited us for about 2 weeks straight, so we gave in. So...the movie surprised me for the first 1.75 hours. It was smart and high-tech (which I always like) and all 4 of us definitely jumped a few times. Well... the ending was enough for me to TOTALLY not recommend wasting 8 bucks on a story that doesn't even resolve. SOOO ANNOYING. A perfectly good movie ruined with a cheesy and unfinished ending.
So...Brian and I really don't go to the movies that much anymore because it's so expensive. Redbox is our new best friend. I even like...keep track of DVD release dates now instead of theater release dates. This results in leaving my wayyy behind on the movie scene...but it's worth it dude. I'm pretty sure we save like at LEAST $100/yr living under this philosophy. And we still splurge on matinees here and there... gotta love the popcorn/chocolate/icee movie date!!
So, on my list to see are: 27 dresses, P.S. I Love You, and I am PRAYING that Brian and I get to go see "Definitely, Maybe" on Valentine's Day!!

How cute does that movie look???
Anyway, here goes!

Awesome movie! The trailor sparked my interest a long time ago and then we just never made it to the theater to check it out so we Redboxed it (my new fav thing) and it was worth every bit of that $1.08 we spent! Great plot, great acting, touching, realistic, and an interesting perspective of what's going on in the minds of the people directly involved with war. It's intrigues me to realize that such violence can be the result of a devout (not to mention insanely radical) faith! These people really believe that they are bringing glory to God, or Allah, through their efforts to exterminate the world of Christians.

Um...Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman...enough said. But...I'll go ahead and elaborate. I gotta admit, at first, I was SO annoyed that this dude was just gonna leave his fam in the dust to "live it up" for his last few months...but it turned out to be awesome :) I just basically don't think it's possible to make a movie with these two that ISN'T thoroughly entertaining! OH!! This movie even features Jack from Will&Grace...but STRAIGHT!?!? SO weird... anyway, summary of the movie: Funny. Sad. Happy. Touching. Thought-provoking. Jack Nicholson's eyebrows. Check it out :)

Let me start by saying that i LOVE Diane Lane. She is gorgeous and all-naturelle and a darn good actress if you ask me. Anyway, Brian and I weren't huge on seeing this, but we blown off the couple who invited us for about 2 weeks straight, so we gave in. So...the movie surprised me for the first 1.75 hours. It was smart and high-tech (which I always like) and all 4 of us definitely jumped a few times. Well... the ending was enough for me to TOTALLY not recommend wasting 8 bucks on a story that doesn't even resolve. SOOO ANNOYING. A perfectly good movie ruined with a cheesy and unfinished ending.
So...Brian and I really don't go to the movies that much anymore because it's so expensive. Redbox is our new best friend. I even like...keep track of DVD release dates now instead of theater release dates. This results in leaving my wayyy behind on the movie scene...but it's worth it dude. I'm pretty sure we save like at LEAST $100/yr living under this philosophy. And we still splurge on matinees here and there... gotta love the popcorn/chocolate/icee movie date!!
So, on my list to see are: 27 dresses, P.S. I Love You, and I am PRAYING that Brian and I get to go see "Definitely, Maybe" on Valentine's Day!!

How cute does that movie look???
Friday, January 25, 2008
Just another Friday...
I'm really excited to have our SECOND WEEKEND IN A ROW with no out-of-town plans!! Brian and I are really starting to settle into this Tyler life :) It's fun. I spent the week going to school (which is fun! I always loved school and it's fun to be back...esp since it's in my fav subject...ANATOMY!). Brian had a typical week at work...which is a good thing :) I'm officially done at APEC, which is a teeny bit sad because I LOVVVED the cute little kids AND made some pretty great friends there...but this week has already proven that we'll still be friends even though I don't get to see them every day anymore. YAY for having friends!!
I spent most of the past 2 days visiting the few gyms around Tyler and looking into training opportunities at each of them. I'm excited to be inching closer to getting some clients! It will be a challenge since I don't have much a network going here, but it will come in time :) I actually kind of started working at one gym last week and then discovered that it is a TERRIBLE run business, the majority of the employees are backstabbers (in 2 days I think they ALL badmouthed each other in my presence), and it was just...not a very encouraging scene. So I said thanks but NOOOO Thanks and peaced out. Quite a relief. Bobby (my old boss) has been amazing with helping steer me to some great places to job search. Thanks Bob-O!
Last night Brian and I took the Kerbster to her first PUPPY CLASS!!! She was BY far the cutest one there OF course, and she was the most well behaved. I have to say that we have done a pretty good job of training her...but she still has a TONNNN of work to do. The instructor lady is pretty cool...we already learned a lot of great tips last night! I'm excited!
Kerbey is getting soooo big!!
Afterwards we went and met some friends at Buffalo WIld just opened.. YAY! Brian and I are HUGE wing it's nice to have a good wings place here FINALLY. It's starting to really make me sad that our friends here are all leaving us in a month!! They all have to report to Spring Training soon...figures. Oh well...they'll all be back when season is FALLLL :(
Tonight we're going out with Bobby (my old boss) and his wifey Jennifer to this grrrrrreat place that Brian took me to for my bday dinner. Villa Montez. It's kind of like...California Mexican...Latin food...DELISH. I'm excited to go back. OH! And Jennifer Stroupe (formerly Jennifer KNIGHT) is an ACU Alum. Any of you know her? I was kind of excited about that. Even though it's not my alma-mater...I kind of feel like it is sometimes. Weird, I know.
Me and Bistro on my b-day dinner. Unfortunately, I had to work late that night and had all of 25 minutes to shower and head out the door.
The one thing regarding this weekend that I am NOT excited about is this weather!!! I have actually LOVED the cold for the first time in my LIFE...but the cold/wet combo is stinky. It's miserable no matter how many layers I have on! Anyway...that's my rambling session for the day. I love you guys, and I miss you all and hope I get to see you soon!
and PS- Carrie, I totally feel ya about the TV sitch this weekend. With no football, what the HECK are we supposed to do on a cold, rainy, Sunday afternoon??
I spent most of the past 2 days visiting the few gyms around Tyler and looking into training opportunities at each of them. I'm excited to be inching closer to getting some clients! It will be a challenge since I don't have much a network going here, but it will come in time :) I actually kind of started working at one gym last week and then discovered that it is a TERRIBLE run business, the majority of the employees are backstabbers (in 2 days I think they ALL badmouthed each other in my presence), and it was just...not a very encouraging scene. So I said thanks but NOOOO Thanks and peaced out. Quite a relief. Bobby (my old boss) has been amazing with helping steer me to some great places to job search. Thanks Bob-O!
Last night Brian and I took the Kerbster to her first PUPPY CLASS!!! She was BY far the cutest one there OF course, and she was the most well behaved. I have to say that we have done a pretty good job of training her...but she still has a TONNNN of work to do. The instructor lady is pretty cool...we already learned a lot of great tips last night! I'm excited!
Afterwards we went and met some friends at Buffalo WIld just opened.. YAY! Brian and I are HUGE wing it's nice to have a good wings place here FINALLY. It's starting to really make me sad that our friends here are all leaving us in a month!! They all have to report to Spring Training soon...figures. Oh well...they'll all be back when season is FALLLL :(
Tonight we're going out with Bobby (my old boss) and his wifey Jennifer to this grrrrrreat place that Brian took me to for my bday dinner. Villa Montez. It's kind of like...California Mexican...Latin food...DELISH. I'm excited to go back. OH! And Jennifer Stroupe (formerly Jennifer KNIGHT) is an ACU Alum. Any of you know her? I was kind of excited about that. Even though it's not my alma-mater...I kind of feel like it is sometimes. Weird, I know.
The one thing regarding this weekend that I am NOT excited about is this weather!!! I have actually LOVED the cold for the first time in my LIFE...but the cold/wet combo is stinky. It's miserable no matter how many layers I have on! Anyway...that's my rambling session for the day. I love you guys, and I miss you all and hope I get to see you soon!
and PS- Carrie, I totally feel ya about the TV sitch this weekend. With no football, what the HECK are we supposed to do on a cold, rainy, Sunday afternoon??
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
"R" Movies Suck.
SO Brian and I watched quite a few movies this weekend since I was bed/couch-ridden. We made pretty decent picks for the most part, but one of MY choices turned out to be a TOTALLY bad one. I picked that Ben Stiller comedy "The Heartbreak Kid" where he gets married to this awesome chick and then after their wedding she turns out to be a total nutcase. NOT GOOD.
Um... I am basically just completely sick of movies that look soooo cute and innocent and funny and light-hearted in the previews and then turn out to be terrible! I guess I just never pay attention to the rating anymore, but that has changed my friends. I am officially boycotting "R" rated comedies. The last THREE that I have wanted to see were terrible!! Well, I never actually watched two of them, but I heard enough about them to know that I would NOT have liked them.
1. Knocked Up: the previews looked soooo cute! And hilarious. And all I heard was how terrible the language was and how inappropriate it was. I watched the first 15 minutes and I was donesky.

2. Good Luck Chuck: same as above. It looked like it had major potential for cute entertainment... my few friends who saw it informed me otherwise. I kind of hate the "F" word, and for some reason I guess it's not possible to make a movie without WAYYY overusing that term.

3. The Heartbreak Kid: ok, seriously just NOT good at all. COmpletely ridiculous plot...NOT even very funny, raunchy, bad language, just...dumb/gross.
So...I'm done with the "R" rated comedies.
Oh, and in lou of recent events in the Celebrity World... for some reason Heath Ledger's death has made me really sad. So...say a prayer for his little baby girl :( and for the family he left behind. No parent should have to watch their child die before they do :(
Um... I am basically just completely sick of movies that look soooo cute and innocent and funny and light-hearted in the previews and then turn out to be terrible! I guess I just never pay attention to the rating anymore, but that has changed my friends. I am officially boycotting "R" rated comedies. The last THREE that I have wanted to see were terrible!! Well, I never actually watched two of them, but I heard enough about them to know that I would NOT have liked them.

2. Good Luck Chuck: same as above. It looked like it had major potential for cute entertainment... my few friends who saw it informed me otherwise. I kind of hate the "F" word, and for some reason I guess it's not possible to make a movie without WAYYY overusing that term.

3. The Heartbreak Kid: ok, seriously just NOT good at all. COmpletely ridiculous plot...NOT even very funny, raunchy, bad language, just...dumb/gross.
So...I'm done with the "R" rated comedies.
Oh, and in lou of recent events in the Celebrity World... for some reason Heath Ledger's death has made me really sad. So...say a prayer for his little baby girl :( and for the family he left behind. No parent should have to watch their child die before they do :(

Monday, January 21, 2008
Brian =
So, ever since Friday I have been feeling a bit under the weather. In fact, a more accurate description regarding my health over the weekend would be MISERABLE. I couldn't sleep Thursday night, woke up Friday and couldn't breathe, and then as the weekend progressed, my ability to breathe only lessened. My head felt like it weighed 807 pounds, my throat felt like I had swallowed a thorn bush, and I'm PRETTY sure I went through 3 boxes of tissue on Saturday alone. Anyway, I say all of this just to set the scene for how great my hub is. Anytime I've ever been sick, he has been amazing at taking care of me. This weekend, though, has been an extreme circumstance. 
I've never really thought of myself as a high maintenance person, but when I'm sick I just want to lay around and sleep to get better. If that means not eating very much then so be it. Well, Brian just won't allow for me to miss a meal when I'm sick. He spent the whole weekend cooking for me (whatever I pleased), making runs to the store to buy me medicine, nasal irrigation systems (ha!), throat soothing tea, kleenex boxes galore, etc. And he seemed happy to do it! We even missed church because he let me sleep in on Sunday morning (even though he is INSANELY anxious to visit churches so that we can find a church home). How UNSELFISH, right? He made my FAV breakfast on Sunday morning (cinnamon rolls) and as DISGUSTING as I was (what with the constant nose blowing, hacking cough, loud heavy breathing, and pale nasty face) he never once acted as though I was a burden. What a stud. Since Friday morning, I don't think I've gone 15 minutes without Brian asking me if there's anything I need. I almost feel ridiculous, but hey...if the offer is there, why not accept it right? So, basically... my husband is awesome. He takes amazing care of me. I am SO annoyed with myself right now, so I don't know HOW he isn't. I am a lucky (and at the moment, gross!) girl :) LOVE YOU BISTRO!!!
PS- Tyler def earend a few Cool Points on snowed here pretty much ALLL DAYYY!!! How cool is that??

This is the Nasal Irrigation system that Brian's dad swears by. I have always been against putting ANYTHING into my nasal passage, but this weekend I was desperate...and this stuff ROCKS.
I've never really thought of myself as a high maintenance person, but when I'm sick I just want to lay around and sleep to get better. If that means not eating very much then so be it. Well, Brian just won't allow for me to miss a meal when I'm sick. He spent the whole weekend cooking for me (whatever I pleased), making runs to the store to buy me medicine, nasal irrigation systems (ha!), throat soothing tea, kleenex boxes galore, etc. And he seemed happy to do it! We even missed church because he let me sleep in on Sunday morning (even though he is INSANELY anxious to visit churches so that we can find a church home). How UNSELFISH, right? He made my FAV breakfast on Sunday morning (cinnamon rolls) and as DISGUSTING as I was (what with the constant nose blowing, hacking cough, loud heavy breathing, and pale nasty face) he never once acted as though I was a burden. What a stud. Since Friday morning, I don't think I've gone 15 minutes without Brian asking me if there's anything I need. I almost feel ridiculous, but hey...if the offer is there, why not accept it right? So, basically... my husband is awesome. He takes amazing care of me. I am SO annoyed with myself right now, so I don't know HOW he isn't. I am a lucky (and at the moment, gross!) girl :) LOVE YOU BISTRO!!!
PS- Tyler def earend a few Cool Points on snowed here pretty much ALLL DAYYY!!! How cool is that??
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Love. This. Movie.
My parents were in for the weekend (kind of just for a visit, and kind of just for my bday) and on Saturday evening we went to see Juno. Ellen Page...I love her. She is my new fav cute person. I'm not sure how old she is in reality, but in the movie she's a 16-yr old who gets preggers with her bff (this totally nerdy dude who runs in realllly short shorts) and then gives the baby up for adoption. She keeps the couple involved with her pregnancy and has this dream for her kid to end up with a perfect parents and be raised in a perfect little fam with a perfect little suburban life (something she does NOT have). So...the couple (Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman) end up NOT being as perfect as they seemed... and's just an awesome, funny, weird, super-cute movie. It definitely has some indie flare...which usually is a plus :0) I would highly recommend it!
My parents were in for the weekend (kind of just for a visit, and kind of just for my bday) and on Saturday evening we went to see Juno. Ellen Page...I love her. She is my new fav cute person. I'm not sure how old she is in reality, but in the movie she's a 16-yr old who gets preggers with her bff (this totally nerdy dude who runs in realllly short shorts) and then gives the baby up for adoption. She keeps the couple involved with her pregnancy and has this dream for her kid to end up with a perfect parents and be raised in a perfect little fam with a perfect little suburban life (something she does NOT have). So...the couple (Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman) end up NOT being as perfect as they seemed... and's just an awesome, funny, weird, super-cute movie. It definitely has some indie flare...which usually is a plus :0) I would highly recommend it!

So this week is going to be nuts. Lots of new things are coming to the table. I am starting my newest job tomorrow, which I am pretty excited about! I feel like I have a new job every 3 months, but that's okay with me, because so far it's always been a GREAT change and an awesome opportunity! This newest one has just kind of worked out even faster than I expected, AND I'm finally getting to really dive into training. For the long-term. YES!!! It's about dang time, that's all I have to say. But, God's timing never seems to be totally in line with mine anyway :) Oh well...apparently He's about 86thousand times wiser than me! mornings at the new job, in the evenings I'm continuing with my original Tyler job at APEC, which I LOVE so much and I LOVE the relationships I have built through that job, but I just can't settle for a highschool level paycheck when i have a COLLEGE DEGREE!!! Thennnn on Tuesday I start my classes at TJC. I'm officially venturing back into the classroom for the semester. Just 2 classes. I'm excited/weirded out, but I'm keepin on keepin on the path to Nursing School :) I also have to get my oil changed, my car inspected, my tail light fixed, fit in a volunteer orientation at the hospital, meet with another potential employer annnd start shadowing some nurses at the hospital when I have a free moment or two!! Goodness. Everything seems to be happening at one time, but that's okay. It'll be a fun exciting week! I DEFINITELY need to make a to-do list or I will never make it through the week. Hope everyone is doing super great!!
Oh, and P.S. I'm INCREDIBLY jealous of everyone who has cute stylish short choppy hair!!! You guys are brave, I'm too scared, and my hair is way too long. I will NOT chop-chop anytime in the near future, and that is kind of depressing to me. it, ladies :) You guys are hot <3
Oh, and P.S. I'm INCREDIBLY jealous of everyone who has cute stylish short choppy hair!!! You guys are brave, I'm too scared, and my hair is way too long. I will NOT chop-chop anytime in the near future, and that is kind of depressing to me. it, ladies :) You guys are hot <3
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
That's MY King!!
Okay, so I know everyone has already seen this, but they showed it at the church we went to here in Tyler on Sunday and I rediscovered how much I totally love this video. It's a recording of a famous sermon that was delivered in California in 1976. S.M. Lockridge has got this totally passionate voice...AND I love hearing all of the names used to describe's pretty awesome! :) Check it:
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sweeney Todd... EW!
On Saturday, Brian and I had the pleasure of catching a matinee by the name of "Sweeney Todd". Anyone who went to Clements High School is probably familiar with this play. Rhonda Messick starred in the Clements version as the crazy meat-pie (made of murdered human) maker, Mrs. Lovett. So...when I caught the play at Clements I loved it! It was sick and twisted, but threw in quite a bit of humor, which made it enjoyable and light. Um... I should have known that any movie with Johnny Depp and that weird lady that played Mrs. Lovett would NOT be light hearted. It was the bloodiest, darkest movie ever. There were MAYBE 5 whole seconds that meritted a chuckle throughout the entire movie. On the way home, I just felt really weird and disturbed and I prayed that God would erase the previous 2.5 hours of my life from my memory. I figured I was over it. THEN...that night i had a terrible twisted scary dream involving my family, guns, and dead people. NOT COOL. I've never had a nightmare IN MY LIFE that I can that fact that I did after seeing Sweeney Todd does NOT speak well for this atrocious film. Okay...that's all.
Moral of the day: DO. NOT. SEE. SWEENEY. TODD. ...or any other movie where you watch the murders of over 20 people take place in squirty, bloody detail.
Now...I'll leave you with a happy image to try to erase the previous nasty mental pictures from your mind!!
Moral of the day: DO. NOT. SEE. SWEENEY. TODD. ...or any other movie where you watch the murders of over 20 people take place in squirty, bloody detail.
Now...I'll leave you with a happy image to try to erase the previous nasty mental pictures from your mind!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Bring It, 2008!!
I have been SUPER ecstatic about the arrival of 2008 for quite a while now. I pretty much get excited about every matter how pointless it is, but this time I've been especially stoked. Brian has kept asking me why I'm so anxious for 2008 to get here and I think I just can't wait to have an official line to cross to start our SETTLED life together! Ever since we got married, I feel like we have been in CONSTANT transition! Not that I mind, I mean...I get bored when life finds me in too much of a routine, but I just haven't felt quite the way I thought I would after Brian and I got married! I know part of that is just because God is keeping me on my toes...and keeping us humble. He has done an INCREDIBLE job of reminding us that He is absolutely in control and will take care of our EVERY little need if we will only place our burdens on His shoulders. God has definitely been amazing. Here are some of the FANTASTIC ways that God has been all up in our business:
1. Our wedding day was the most fun day EVER for both of us, and it could not have gone better! (despite the fact that about 25 things didn't go the way they were supposed to...but that somehow didn't phase ANYONE!)
2. God answered a HUGE PRAYER of mine and presented the opportunity for Brian to leave his old job in Austin while maintaining an influential relationship with his old boss.
3. He put us through a pretty long waiting period while Brian job hunted, and at the end answered our prayers with all that we asked for and more! God taught us patience for HIS timing, trust in His will and His way, He provided for us financially in the coolest ways...even when we had no idea where money was gonna come from, He provided Brian with some time to separate from the world and rediscover his passions and God's place in His life, He gave me the opportunity to be a supportive and loving wife, and then He gave us a new start in a new place with new opportunities to share in His Kingdom!
4. He allowed for all things to work out perfectly with my internship and graduation from UT without a single complication :)
5. He has provided Brian with some pretty cool relationships with his new work buddies and the same for me! We both love where we are at the present.
Now...back to my excitement about 2008! here are the things I'm totally excited about:
1. I am so excited for Brian to be DONE with training and back home for GOOD! I LOVE spending weekends at HOME together...because since we moved to Tyler in August, I think we've only had like... MAYBE three.
2. I love our little pup Kerbs and I am excited for her to have other puppy lame as that sounds. It's fun for us to go out and take her to the park because it's an excuse to be outside and appreciate the beauty around us. For some reason, I have been much more aware of the beauty of God's creation since I got to Tyler. It really is beautiful around here.
3. I'm excited to be a little bit further along in my quest towards nursing school...the more I find out about the vast opportunities a nursing career will bring, the more excited I get!
4. I'm excited to be OFFICIALLY licensed as a personal trainer and hopefully find some clients of my own in TYLER.
5. I'm excited about the new relationships that I have started to form in Tyler.
6. I'm excited that our townhouse looks more and more like a home everyday!
7. I'm excited about my new yellow stand mixer!!!
8. As weird as everyone thinks it is, I am beyond ecstatic to finally have an awesome vacuum :)
9. I can't wait to start my other part time job doing some marketing for a doctor in Tyler. I have no marketing experience, but have always had an interest! And I basically just love new experiences :)
10. I am super happy to finally get to plan some trips to see my friends in Dallas, Houston, and Austin! ...AND to get to spend some time with my friends with kids :)
11. I am excited that I no longer feel silly for not knowing what I want to "BE when I grow up"
Now...I guess I'll go out in style just like Mer and Kayla, but I'll just stick with like...60. This is gonna be "Roxanne Bradford at the beginning of 2008"...I'm excited to compare the following list with the the one I make at the END of 2008 and see how much things have changed! goes"
1. I miss Austin, but I'm not sad about it.
2. I miss Sugar Land.
3. I can't wait til Dane's wedding.
4. I really want Riles and Morgan to get married!
5. Part of me is TOTALLY against Reid going to San Diego State and the other part can't wait to go visit him there!
6. I want to go to Massage School
7. I can't seem to talk myself out of pursuing nursing school.
8. I want to become a yoga instructor..but not really...
9. Camping is one of my fav things ever and I can't wait to use our new camping stuff!
10. I LOVE Project Runway
11. I want a sewing machine
12. Scrapbooking is my official "2008 Hobby"
13. I find it ironice that I LOVE working out AND i help others do it every day, but i myself don't do it very often.
14. I love being around active people.
15. I love having personal conversations.
16. I love being nosy (in a caring kind of way) :)
17. I love going to work in UnderArmour.
18. Having Kerbey around has made me feel less awkward around babies who can't talk.
19. I CAN'T WAIT to find a church home in Tyler!!!
20. I really truly want to have a positive effect for the people I come into contact with.
21. I am starting to accept responsibility for the gifts that God has blessed me with...I'm just trying to figure out all of the different ways I can use them!
22. I want to visit Dane and Jules in Nica.
23. I REALLY want to spend time helping in an orphanage.
24. I want to make people feel more comfortable with themselves.
25. I want people to feel loved.
26. I want to find great couple friends for Bistro and I to hang out with that like being outside, like watching sports, and a wife who still likes being girly sometimes!
27. I am super thankful for my best friends.
28. I'm excited that Teresa is back from Spain and that God did LOTS of work in her while she was gone!
29. I hope to pray for the people I love more diligently this year.
30. I NEED to organize our home office, but can't bring myself to tackle the massive pile of MESS in there!
31. I want to get involved in causes that I care about!
32. I don't want the views around me to change my convictions.
33. I want Brian to approve of my solid wifing skills :) ...and to touch up on the ones I'm lacking in!
34. I want to start sending cards to people instead of just thinking about it all the time!
35. I want to travel somwhere through FitnessProTravel!
36. I want to help someone plan their wedding!
37. I still love hershey's chocolate a TON!
38. Baked Lays are on of my fav things to eat EVER!
39. I feel weird when I don't have at LEAST one glass of milk a day.
40. I like trying to live a Green Lifestyle :)
41. I want to talk to my grandparents more often so that they never doubt that I love them and think of them often!
42. I love talking to my mom on the phone :) ...usually!
43. My dad is the greatest person EVER and can ALWAYS make me laugh :)
44. Riley inspires me to be better.
45. Reid is an amazing picture to me of the Love of Christ.
46. I LOVE that Brian gets home from work before I do (and even had dinner waiting for me sometimes!!)
47. I still struggle with the fact that Brian is the cook of the family...I kind of feel like I'm slacking in the wife department sometimes...but I think I'm starting to come to terms with reality :)
48. I love jeans, flats, long t-backs and tight tees :)
49. Sometimes when I have tons of creative thoughts flowing through my head I get overwhelmed and then forget them all! It's really frustrating...
50. I'm glad Brian's a snuggler :)
51. I miss going to sportsbars to watch games!
52. I miss God a LOT when I get too wrapped up in life to think about Him!
53. I love to read, but can never choose which book to read next.
54. I am getting better at being decisive... it feels weird, but I think I like it!
55. I feel really sad for Britney Spears and I hope someone can help her.
56. I wish I wasn't so intrigued by celeb gossip.
57. I love the suburbs.
58. I want to live in the same city as Rileton and Reidster when we are all grown up :)
59. I love visiting my parentals in the shoog!
60. I am SO happy that I'm married to Brian. He is the greatest and supports me better than I thought was possible! God hooked me up :)
1. Our wedding day was the most fun day EVER for both of us, and it could not have gone better! (despite the fact that about 25 things didn't go the way they were supposed to...but that somehow didn't phase ANYONE!)
2. God answered a HUGE PRAYER of mine and presented the opportunity for Brian to leave his old job in Austin while maintaining an influential relationship with his old boss.
3. He put us through a pretty long waiting period while Brian job hunted, and at the end answered our prayers with all that we asked for and more! God taught us patience for HIS timing, trust in His will and His way, He provided for us financially in the coolest ways...even when we had no idea where money was gonna come from, He provided Brian with some time to separate from the world and rediscover his passions and God's place in His life, He gave me the opportunity to be a supportive and loving wife, and then He gave us a new start in a new place with new opportunities to share in His Kingdom!
4. He allowed for all things to work out perfectly with my internship and graduation from UT without a single complication :)
5. He has provided Brian with some pretty cool relationships with his new work buddies and the same for me! We both love where we are at the present.
Now...back to my excitement about 2008! here are the things I'm totally excited about:
1. I am so excited for Brian to be DONE with training and back home for GOOD! I LOVE spending weekends at HOME together...because since we moved to Tyler in August, I think we've only had like... MAYBE three.
2. I love our little pup Kerbs and I am excited for her to have other puppy lame as that sounds. It's fun for us to go out and take her to the park because it's an excuse to be outside and appreciate the beauty around us. For some reason, I have been much more aware of the beauty of God's creation since I got to Tyler. It really is beautiful around here.
3. I'm excited to be a little bit further along in my quest towards nursing school...the more I find out about the vast opportunities a nursing career will bring, the more excited I get!
4. I'm excited to be OFFICIALLY licensed as a personal trainer and hopefully find some clients of my own in TYLER.
5. I'm excited about the new relationships that I have started to form in Tyler.
6. I'm excited that our townhouse looks more and more like a home everyday!
7. I'm excited about my new yellow stand mixer!!!
8. As weird as everyone thinks it is, I am beyond ecstatic to finally have an awesome vacuum :)
9. I can't wait to start my other part time job doing some marketing for a doctor in Tyler. I have no marketing experience, but have always had an interest! And I basically just love new experiences :)
10. I am super happy to finally get to plan some trips to see my friends in Dallas, Houston, and Austin! ...AND to get to spend some time with my friends with kids :)
11. I am excited that I no longer feel silly for not knowing what I want to "BE when I grow up"
Now...I guess I'll go out in style just like Mer and Kayla, but I'll just stick with like...60. This is gonna be "Roxanne Bradford at the beginning of 2008"...I'm excited to compare the following list with the the one I make at the END of 2008 and see how much things have changed! goes"
1. I miss Austin, but I'm not sad about it.
2. I miss Sugar Land.
3. I can't wait til Dane's wedding.
4. I really want Riles and Morgan to get married!
5. Part of me is TOTALLY against Reid going to San Diego State and the other part can't wait to go visit him there!
6. I want to go to Massage School
7. I can't seem to talk myself out of pursuing nursing school.
8. I want to become a yoga instructor..but not really...
9. Camping is one of my fav things ever and I can't wait to use our new camping stuff!
10. I LOVE Project Runway
11. I want a sewing machine
12. Scrapbooking is my official "2008 Hobby"
13. I find it ironice that I LOVE working out AND i help others do it every day, but i myself don't do it very often.
14. I love being around active people.
15. I love having personal conversations.
16. I love being nosy (in a caring kind of way) :)
17. I love going to work in UnderArmour.
18. Having Kerbey around has made me feel less awkward around babies who can't talk.
19. I CAN'T WAIT to find a church home in Tyler!!!
20. I really truly want to have a positive effect for the people I come into contact with.
21. I am starting to accept responsibility for the gifts that God has blessed me with...I'm just trying to figure out all of the different ways I can use them!
22. I want to visit Dane and Jules in Nica.
23. I REALLY want to spend time helping in an orphanage.
24. I want to make people feel more comfortable with themselves.
25. I want people to feel loved.
26. I want to find great couple friends for Bistro and I to hang out with that like being outside, like watching sports, and a wife who still likes being girly sometimes!
27. I am super thankful for my best friends.
28. I'm excited that Teresa is back from Spain and that God did LOTS of work in her while she was gone!
29. I hope to pray for the people I love more diligently this year.
30. I NEED to organize our home office, but can't bring myself to tackle the massive pile of MESS in there!
31. I want to get involved in causes that I care about!
32. I don't want the views around me to change my convictions.
33. I want Brian to approve of my solid wifing skills :) ...and to touch up on the ones I'm lacking in!
34. I want to start sending cards to people instead of just thinking about it all the time!
35. I want to travel somwhere through FitnessProTravel!
36. I want to help someone plan their wedding!
37. I still love hershey's chocolate a TON!
38. Baked Lays are on of my fav things to eat EVER!
39. I feel weird when I don't have at LEAST one glass of milk a day.
40. I like trying to live a Green Lifestyle :)
41. I want to talk to my grandparents more often so that they never doubt that I love them and think of them often!
42. I love talking to my mom on the phone :) ...usually!
43. My dad is the greatest person EVER and can ALWAYS make me laugh :)
44. Riley inspires me to be better.
45. Reid is an amazing picture to me of the Love of Christ.
46. I LOVE that Brian gets home from work before I do (and even had dinner waiting for me sometimes!!)
47. I still struggle with the fact that Brian is the cook of the family...I kind of feel like I'm slacking in the wife department sometimes...but I think I'm starting to come to terms with reality :)
48. I love jeans, flats, long t-backs and tight tees :)
49. Sometimes when I have tons of creative thoughts flowing through my head I get overwhelmed and then forget them all! It's really frustrating...
50. I'm glad Brian's a snuggler :)
51. I miss going to sportsbars to watch games!
52. I miss God a LOT when I get too wrapped up in life to think about Him!
53. I love to read, but can never choose which book to read next.
54. I am getting better at being decisive... it feels weird, but I think I like it!
55. I feel really sad for Britney Spears and I hope someone can help her.
56. I wish I wasn't so intrigued by celeb gossip.
57. I love the suburbs.
58. I want to live in the same city as Rileton and Reidster when we are all grown up :)
59. I love visiting my parentals in the shoog!
60. I am SO happy that I'm married to Brian. He is the greatest and supports me better than I thought was possible! God hooked me up :)
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