Sunday, December 11, 2011

Colossians 3

Source my mom & pops gave me a little pink leather-bound book almost a year ago, on my 26th bday.  It's The Message translation of The New Testament.  I have never really taken the dive, as I've always preferred reading my traditional translations of The Bible.  I DO, however, live cross-referencing the different versions, as just a single differing word can leave me with a totally different perspective.  Pretty cool.

Well... just now I checked out the 3rd chapter of Colossians, The Message style.  Col 3 (particularly verses 12-15) is one of my go-to, almost-daily reads.  Totally  a guiding passage for me.  It reminds, encourages, convicts, & excites me every time! 

Go read Colossians 3 in The Message version of the bible. My prayer is that it inspires you as profoundly as it does me!

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