Cameron is constantly attacking Avery now that she's mobile. When both Camo & Aves are on the ground, Cameron is all up in Avery's grill within SECONDS. Aves is NOT a fan, but is SO sweet and patient. She never hits or pushes her off, just makes a face and says, "uh oh baby!!"
Today Cameron crawled from the middle of the living room, around the back of the big couch, and into Kerbey's bed in a matter of less than a minute. I love watching her scoot/crawl. It's hilarious. She's in HEAVEN. You can so tell she feels way cool.
Casizzle & Tatum came over the play yesterday. It had been over a week since A & T saw each other (which is RARE!) and Tatum kept saying, "I see Avewy I see Avewy!" That's her way of begging her momma to bring her to Avery's house! We love watching our little bffs play together :) Tatum is still the aggressor on occasions, so we decided that in the future, Avery will call Tatum when someone's picking on her and Tatum will call Aves when she has a crush & needs A to sweet-talk him. :) We've got it allll figured out. Can't wait til they're roomies @ UT!!
The girls bathe together now. It's presh. Avery loves to help me bathe Cameron. Such a sweet big seester :) Cameron just enjoys chewing on the bath toys.
Avery is obsessed with "the naked baby dance" It's the only way to get her out of the bath tub! Thanks to Tatum for teaching us this highly effective tool :)
When we chose Cameron's name, I was 100% sure I wanted to spell it the classic way. For the last couple of days, I have been kind of wishing I had spelled it the girly way: Camryn!
I am FINALLY getting around to painting the girls' little wooden chairs. B got me the paint I asked for, but I've changed my mind (again) and am switching it out manana!
I think Rileton might come visit us this wknd. I will be beyond pumped to see him. My bro (well both of my bros actually!) is the bomb. I admire him, look up to him, am entertained by him, & just am so thankful for him! should come too!!
We start a study on Revelation in our Lifegroup manana. BUT- I think I'm gonna have to miss it. We haven't been able to find a babysitter who is willing to commit (mostly bc of the weather), and since B is gone, we'll just be playing hooky I guess. Bummer!
I am so so so so so loving being back home w/my babygirls. They bring joy to my life. Do I miss the ocean/beach/sun/palm trees? HECK YES. But my munchkins win that battle. Big time.
B and I have a week @ the beach in April without Aves & Cam. I'm
pumped, but really dreading being apart from them for that long too!

We are ALSO hoping to do a vacay w Kylee & Chris (& whoever else!) sometime this yr. We have tried basically since we met, but I had some issues with remaining un-pregnant :) We seem to be doing well thus far, so we'll see if we make the vacay happen!!
I might possibly be going to see Katy Perry in July. Umm.... holla.
I'm hosting Bunco next week and am soooo excited to have a little Valentines Bunco action with my gurrrrlllls :)
Although tomorrow is supposed to be super cold (like...single digits. whoa.), the weekend should bring a little more warmth than we've had around here for a while. YAY!! I'm loving the winter, but am NEVER sad about spring time!
Happy Wednesday!