Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Week I'm...

This week I'm pumped that I won in both of my fantasy leagues!  Andre & Matt Schaub hooked me they should.  Andre Johnson is only the best receiver in the league :)  Love it.

This week I'm stoked that the Texans have opened their season 2-0.  Saweeeeet.  It's about time, fellas.

This week I'm really excited to that Michael Vick has been named the STARTERRRR for the Eagles.  Seriously.  SO pumped.  I miss watching that boy play.

This week I am heartbroken for Reggie Bush!  First the Heisman debacle (which I totally don't agree with btw), and then a broken leg.  SERIOUSLY??  Poor Reg.

This week I'm sad that my Pawpaw is still in the hospital and is struggling physically with breathing and lack of energy, and struggling mentally with indecision from the doctors.

This week I am praying for Pawpaw constantly.
This week I'm thankful that I have gotten to chat with each of my brothers on numerous occasions and I got to hang out with my sis-in-law.  Love you guys!

This week I am having trouble believing that my baby brother is 21!!!  Reidster- you're the bomb.  I'm proud of you and I can't wait to see where you go in life!

This week I am optimistic about the future of Mr. Noah Longino & Miss Kayla Czajkowski (soon to be Mrs. Longino!)  I am SO looking forward to the wedding festivities this weekend!

This week I am relieved that Brian is home from his work trip.

This week I'm a little under the weather, but it could be worse :)

This week I'm ecstatic that Glee is BACK baby.

This week I'm ANNOYED that ppl break into other ppl's cars and steal their stuff!  NOT NICE.

This week I am proud of my hubby for his character.  He works hard, displays honesty & integrity every day in his work, and he is finding success.  You're awesome babe!!

This week I am thankful for soooo many incredible blessings in my life.  I'm thankful that my God is a GOOD God. 


Gabby Malcuit said...

Car break ins are annoying. Other than that, sounds like lots of good stuff!

Patricia Boettcher said...

GLEE!!!! I like this post. You should do one like this again.

Wendi said...

Cute blog post! Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)