Friday, December 18, 2009



Unknown said...

Hey Girl! Congrats!

Wendi said...


Kelly said...

Oh wow! Such fun news :-) Congrats!!

the norman family said...

AHH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Ryan was asleep and I just woke him up to tell him! We are so happy for you!

Unknown said...

Whoa!!! Congrats woman!

Ryan & Mary Beth Davis said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!!

Lindsey said...

Congrats to your sweet family!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Oh my goodness, I barely even read the big sis part and was commenting on how beautiful your little angel looked and now have to say CONGRATS too!!! How far apart with they be?

J said...

Hooray! Makes the holidays even more joyful!

Abby said...

This is the cutest picture I have ever seen! She is so cute and totally excited to have a lil sis or bro!! So happy for you guys!

Holly Packer said...

Awww!!! Congrats girl!! What a fun news!!

Ivy said...

ahhhh! congratulations rox!!!

Jason and Lindsey said...

Shut up! Craziness! How fun!!:) We will be praying!

Unknown said...

She looks JUST like you in this picture!! Love you!!

Jo Brock said...

Congrats! You need to fill us in on how far along you are and all of that fun stuff! My first are 1 yr and 8 days apart! It is fun, challenging at times, but lots of fun!