**this was still in my drafts. how the heck did i not publish??
**i'll add the pic later!!
HALF A YEAR!?? Are you serious? That is just straight up craziness. The past 6 months have been a whirlwind...that's for sure. Avery has def made it 8million times better!! Brian and I melt pretty much every single day bc of something Avery does. Babies TRULY are little angels. Avery- we can't believe that God entrusted your little life and heart to us. We adorrrre every single thing about you, and are so super blessed and EXCITED to be your parentals!!
FAV TOY: kerbey's paws
EATS: cereal for brkf, stage 1 for lunch, stage 2 for dinner, 4-6oz every 3 hrs
SIZE: 3 diaper, 6-9, 6-12 mo clothing
-pulls up to stand...her new fav thing!
-is obsessed with kerbey's paws
-is also obsessed with trying to rip kerbey's skin off (thank goodness kerbs is so gentle with her!)
-sits up and plays on the floor allll the time.
-gets annoyed when ppl try to hold & snuggle with her
-little miss independent! is happiest on the floor with her toys
-L.O.V.E.S bathtime!! Splashing the water all up in mommy's grill makes her happy
-still likes the jumperoo
-bedtime is random. one week it's 8, the next it's 10
-wake up time is pretty consistently betw 7 & 8
-still loves the great outdoors.
-loves to look at leaves when the wind is blowing the trees. totally entranced.
-loves for mommy&daddy to sing ANYTHING
-my little buttercup is still her fav song!
-has shifted her love of toes from her own to other people's. ew.
-loves to destroy mommy's clean laundry piles (thank goodness she's cute!)
-squeals & babbles aLOTTT.
-loves her baby einstein dvd that i sit her in front when im cleaning up the kitchen
-her poopy diapers are RAAAANK.
-has still never been fussy when we're on a walk. i think she must love cruising in her stroller?
-discovered how to stick her tongue out this past wknd and will NOT stop.
-loves facial hair
-still greets us with a gorrrrgeous smile when we get her out of bed in the mornings!
-LOVES when we say "babababababa"