Kerbey just ate my sandwich. ANNOYING. I've been rushing around this morning because i had a few hours with no clients. Sooooo...I came home and have been getting some MUCH NEEDED chores done around the house. I planned everything perfectly to the MINUTE so that I would get the last load of laundry into the dryer, get my lunch made, & finish my assignment before I had to leave for class. Everything was going perfectly...until my not-so-cute-at-the-moment little canine struck!!
She seriously downed that baby in abour 4.5 seconds. No lie. (It MUST have been a delicious sandwich) So...I had to take the time to get her in trouble. THEN I had to take the time to make another sandwich. And by THAT time I was sweating so I had to change clothes because these are the clothes I'll be stuck in for the next 6 hours. Anywho- I'm already running late for class, so I'm just gonna wait to show up until our halfway break, at which time I can inconspicuously sneak in without anyone (particularly my professor) noticing I was late :)
In other news, Brian's 3-on-3 bball team won their championship and his full-court team has the championship on Thursday night. The final game won't be until 10:00PM if they make it that far. Um....I know I'm only 23, but I'm ALREADY too old for such a late night. Ha...most of the guys on his team are in their 30s and I KNOW they're too old for it. We're leaving straightaway after his game to head to the Shoog and then the Curry familia is off to Galvey for the weekend!! Cannnnn't wait to see the fam OR to get some ocean in my life :0)
Oh...and the MOST exciting part about this weekend is.....
NICKYBABE IS GETTING MARRRIIIIEEEEEEDDDD!!! I'm so excited to see him in his tux...standing next to his bride :) It's crazy to even think about it. PLUS, Dane-o and Seanpack will be there too (Sean's bringing his new fiancee) all-in-all, I think this will be a STELLAR weekend :)
I hope everyone is doing super well. Jacci- I don't know a thing about the vaccination stuff, but I am totally learning from all of your experiences, so when B and I have a little munchkin, prepare yourself for TONS of advice-seeking phone calls :)
Hollaaaa <3
Musings from RoxyB; a wife, mom, fitness trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, stork-lady, and most importantly: daughter of The Most High.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The City that Never Sleeps...
SO...last week Brian was in New York for work, and I was at home working and going to school. WOO! It was a tough week for me! I felt like I had NO time to breathe...and I missed the hub. BUT, my momma came to visit me on Wednesday afternoon, so I cancelled my afternoon clients and my Thursday late morning so we could hang out. It was a grannnnnd old time :) I have MISSED my fam! I haven't gotten to spend time with them in forev! Thanks for coming, mommy :)
On Friday morning, I flew out to NYC to meet B for the a fun little weekend getaway. We went to Central Park for loonnnng time on Friday. I'm pretty sure if I lived in NYC I would LIVE at Central Park. There were people hanging out eating ice cream, throwing the frisbee, laying out in their bikinis gettin their tan on, playing random music, painting AMAZING was awesome and it made me MISS Austin. I never thought NYC would remind me of Austin, ha. We went to a dif museum...the Metropolitan..pretty cool. Brian loved it because he's all into that ancient history kind of stuff. We went to see Phantom of the Opera (amazing, OF course..the phantom's voice made me melt), went back to the classic Magnolia Bakery for some TREMENDOUS cupcakes, did some hard-core bartering in china-town (one of my fav parts, always) and ...drumroll please..... WENT TO A GAME @ YANKEE STADIUM!!!!
I have always been a sportsfan and one of my "list of things to do" is to attend a game at every major league baseball stadium.'s kind of changed to just a few of the major stadiums...but HOW could I not attend a game at Yankee stadium with all of the historical events that have taken place there!? After this season, they're tearing it this was my last chance...and B made it happen. :))))) I WAS EXCITED! It was awesome. We sat in the bleachers with a bunch of people who are there for EVERY homegame in the same spot. There was a group of about 9 old men behind us who were decked out head to toe, are all bffs, pretty much act like they're bffs with the players, and most of them had their own personal scorebook in which they kept track of every little step of the game in a perfectly flawless way. Ha...they were um...hardcore. It was a very cool environment. But I can't lie...the Yanks are the ONE TEAM that I could NOT break down and buy a t-shirt to wear to the game. NOT a Yankee fan and NEVER will be. (Unless of course...I move to NYC...sad, I know.)
Brian and I had a splendid getaway and had a super fun time just hanging out together all weekend long. I love my hubbyyyy :))) annnnd, I love NEW YORK!
OH! I broke down and bought a camera battery charger so we ACTUALLY took some pics! Please enjoy :)
Onnnn the subway. I love public transportation. For real. Brian doesn't totally agree with me on that one.

Sex&theCity IS good for something...they introduced me to the DELECTABLE cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery

@ The Majestic to see Phantom
How cool would it be to play a softball game in Central Park? Super cool view :)

Me: superrrrr excited to be @ Yankee Stadium! B: super excited about how much we paid for tickets ha
On Friday morning, I flew out to NYC to meet B for the a fun little weekend getaway. We went to Central Park for loonnnng time on Friday. I'm pretty sure if I lived in NYC I would LIVE at Central Park. There were people hanging out eating ice cream, throwing the frisbee, laying out in their bikinis gettin their tan on, playing random music, painting AMAZING was awesome and it made me MISS Austin. I never thought NYC would remind me of Austin, ha. We went to a dif museum...the Metropolitan..pretty cool. Brian loved it because he's all into that ancient history kind of stuff. We went to see Phantom of the Opera (amazing, OF course..the phantom's voice made me melt), went back to the classic Magnolia Bakery for some TREMENDOUS cupcakes, did some hard-core bartering in china-town (one of my fav parts, always) and ...drumroll please..... WENT TO A GAME @ YANKEE STADIUM!!!!
I have always been a sportsfan and one of my "list of things to do" is to attend a game at every major league baseball stadium.'s kind of changed to just a few of the major stadiums...but HOW could I not attend a game at Yankee stadium with all of the historical events that have taken place there!? After this season, they're tearing it this was my last chance...and B made it happen. :))))) I WAS EXCITED! It was awesome. We sat in the bleachers with a bunch of people who are there for EVERY homegame in the same spot. There was a group of about 9 old men behind us who were decked out head to toe, are all bffs, pretty much act like they're bffs with the players, and most of them had their own personal scorebook in which they kept track of every little step of the game in a perfectly flawless way. Ha...they were um...hardcore. It was a very cool environment. But I can't lie...the Yanks are the ONE TEAM that I could NOT break down and buy a t-shirt to wear to the game. NOT a Yankee fan and NEVER will be. (Unless of course...I move to NYC...sad, I know.)
Brian and I had a splendid getaway and had a super fun time just hanging out together all weekend long. I love my hubbyyyy :))) annnnd, I love NEW YORK!
OH! I broke down and bought a camera battery charger so we ACTUALLY took some pics! Please enjoy :)
Lunch @ ESPN it.
Sex&theCity IS good for something...they introduced me to the DELECTABLE cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery
@ The Majestic to see Phantom
How cool would it be to play a softball game in Central Park? Super cool view :)
Me: superrrrr excited to be @ Yankee Stadium! B: super excited about how much we paid for tickets ha
Saturday, July 12, 2008
VOTE for Riles to win an ESPY!!
Remember this crazy play that Riley's football team executed back in the fall? The one that got them on ESPN? Well... now it's been nominated for an ESPY for "best play" !!!!
Riles is heading out to LA this week to join people like oh, you know...Lebron James, Peyton Manning, Tiger Woods.... in filming the ESPY Awards. He and 6 of his teammates get to spend 2 days being treated like celebrities and meeting people they have looked up to and idolized for most of their lives. It's nuts! I'm super excited for him! No matter if they win or lose, I'm pretty sure this will be one of the coolest things they do in their lifetime.
HOWEVER, it wouldn't hurt to take home an ESPY :) And, YOU, my dear blogger friends, can help! Visit THIS LINK to vote for the ESPY awards. It requires you to register with, but that only takes a couple of minutes out of your life. You only have to do it the first time and then you're golden. You can vote once a day. Scroll down to "best play" and click on the TU box! NOTE: ESPN will not send you annoying emails once you register. So, no worries about that :)
Kthanksbye :)
Remember this crazy play that Riley's football team executed back in the fall? The one that got them on ESPN? Well... now it's been nominated for an ESPY for "best play" !!!!
Riles is heading out to LA this week to join people like oh, you know...Lebron James, Peyton Manning, Tiger Woods.... in filming the ESPY Awards. He and 6 of his teammates get to spend 2 days being treated like celebrities and meeting people they have looked up to and idolized for most of their lives. It's nuts! I'm super excited for him! No matter if they win or lose, I'm pretty sure this will be one of the coolest things they do in their lifetime.
HOWEVER, it wouldn't hurt to take home an ESPY :) And, YOU, my dear blogger friends, can help! Visit THIS LINK to vote for the ESPY awards. It requires you to register with, but that only takes a couple of minutes out of your life. You only have to do it the first time and then you're golden. You can vote once a day. Scroll down to "best play" and click on the TU box! NOTE: ESPN will not send you annoying emails once you register. So, no worries about that :)
Kthanksbye :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Bradford Update
It was a good weekend. One of B's good friends (and a groomsman in our wedding!) got married at a church in The Woodlands, so we headed out that way on Friday night after work. We stayed with Schwinnybabe and had soooo much fun! I really have missed one of my FAV soccer loves :) Schwinny, JimBob (her pops), and I used to have 2 jam sessions a week on our way to soccer practice....oh, the good ol' days :)
Okay so...first of all, The Woodlands is AWESOME. It is seriously a Sugar Land clone, only a bit less crowded and SO many big beautiful trees! My kind of place :) Schwinny and her fianc, Ryan, took us out to Market Street and we just kinda chatted and hung out. Second- they have a way cool story. They met and fell HARD. They were engaged after a month and a half and will be married in less than 3 months! Pretty awesome and SO exciting! If I know anyone who is deserving of an incredible and FUN guy, it's Linz :)
The wedding was a daytime wedding...2:30 on Saturday. It was pretty, personal, and full of GIANT football-playing groomsmen. My hubling is not a fan of dancing like a goon around people he doesn't know, so there was no getting krunk on the danceflo' (unfortch). His pops was at the wedding, along with his old high school football coach, so we had a super fun time exchanging stories at the old folks' table ;) Yay for weddings :) Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Muhlbach!
Now we're back to our life in Tyler. We are seriously NEVER here on the weekends, so all I know of life in Tyler is work and school, work and school, work...Mexican food...and school. This has been a BUSY week already, but mighty productive :) I'm over halfway done with my first summer class. I'm covering for a friend at work so my already-heavy-clientload is EXTRA heavy. Kerbey has graduated to official baller-pet status. We can FINALLY take her out without her leash and she will listen like a CHAMP no matter what screaming children or yappy dog happens to tempt her otherwise. I NEVER thought I'd say this...but, LONG LIVE THE SHOCK COLLAR! (only up to level 3, though!)
Update complete. Umm...actually I'm just tired of typing. But I think that was an information overload anyway. My apologies :)
OH! could I forget? LOOBS IS BACK and I'm pumped :)
That's all, folks.
Okay so...first of all, The Woodlands is AWESOME. It is seriously a Sugar Land clone, only a bit less crowded and SO many big beautiful trees! My kind of place :) Schwinny and her fianc, Ryan, took us out to Market Street and we just kinda chatted and hung out. Second- they have a way cool story. They met and fell HARD. They were engaged after a month and a half and will be married in less than 3 months! Pretty awesome and SO exciting! If I know anyone who is deserving of an incredible and FUN guy, it's Linz :)
The wedding was a daytime wedding...2:30 on Saturday. It was pretty, personal, and full of GIANT football-playing groomsmen. My hubling is not a fan of dancing like a goon around people he doesn't know, so there was no getting krunk on the danceflo' (unfortch). His pops was at the wedding, along with his old high school football coach, so we had a super fun time exchanging stories at the old folks' table ;) Yay for weddings :) Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Muhlbach!
Now we're back to our life in Tyler. We are seriously NEVER here on the weekends, so all I know of life in Tyler is work and school, work and school, work...Mexican food...and school. This has been a BUSY week already, but mighty productive :) I'm over halfway done with my first summer class. I'm covering for a friend at work so my already-heavy-clientload is EXTRA heavy. Kerbey has graduated to official baller-pet status. We can FINALLY take her out without her leash and she will listen like a CHAMP no matter what screaming children or yappy dog happens to tempt her otherwise. I NEVER thought I'd say this...but, LONG LIVE THE SHOCK COLLAR! (only up to level 3, though!)
Update complete. Umm...actually I'm just tired of typing. But I think that was an information overload anyway. My apologies :)
OH! could I forget? LOOBS IS BACK and I'm pumped :)
That's all, folks.
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