Friday, June 6, 2008

Last Weekend

I never posted about last weekend, but it was DEFINITELY worthy of a post!

Congrats to my little Webster who got married on Saturday night! I guess I can't call her Webby Linny Cockrell :) It was a super gorgeous wedding, and a SUPER FUN soccer girls/soccer parentals reunion. Loved it. And LOVE all of you girls, too <3

Annnnnd Scarlett's bday party was TOTALLY the place to be on Sunday. It was adorable, yummy, fun, and really special to be a part of! Thanks, Sexy, for the invite and for making it sooo cute! Your babygirl is the cutest thing ever and it was grrrreat to see you and Roberto..and of course your little munchkin!

All of my hours on the road between these 2 events were surprisingly entertaining because I took Brian's new GPS. I didn't really think it was a necessary piece of equipment so we waited until his bday for his parentals to give it to him...but WOW! It made the trips 8 million times easier. So...I guess I am officially a GPS advocate. Here's to you, Mr. Garmin.

Another eventful weekend is in the works, but I'll fill you in on that one later. Hope everyone is doing awesome and loving life!

1 comment:

Jacci said...

we are so glad you got to be there too! we love you! thank you so much for coming :) you're the best!