So I did an assessment for some guy at the gym today who talked to me about his weed-smoking habits for about 15 minutes like it was nooooooooo biggie. He's married with children and has absolutely no reservations about the fact that he's a pot smoker. He says he just started a year and a half ago and it's just "nice". He knows he should "probably cut back" since he's trying to get in shape, but it's his guilty chocolate is for hormonal women.
Umm...NO. NOT the same thing, brother. Not even close.
I was laughing slash apalled, but trying NOT to condone, while refraining from sounding judgmental. It was a tough one. I was baffled.
How weird, though, right!? Who shares their weed smoking habits in the freaking BIBLE BELT of East Texas for allll to hear?? I have to admire his honesty. Good for him. But...then again...not so good either...
Musings from RoxyB; a wife, mom, fitness trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, stork-lady, and most importantly: daughter of The Most High.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Just like new...
I finally cleaned the house this weekend. Well...some of it. Brian was outta town hunting, so I locked myself inside and cleaned the heck out of the living and dining rooms. I guess the MAJOR task was more of the organizing. Since Brian doesn't have an office for work, our house is his office. Since our house doesn't have an actual office, it is TOUGH to keep his stuff organized and in one place. Anyway, I went through giant piles of papers, mail, boxes, shoes, etc and FINALLY got the house looking beautiful and BIG and clean-the way it looked when we first moved in!
It feels SOOOO good to come home, now. YAY :)
My next big task will be the laundry room and garage. I gotta do 2 rooms at a time. It's just the way I work.
PS- I have a test Tuesday and my Lab Final on Friday...say a little prayer for me if you don't mind :)
Have a TERRIFIC week!
Peace :)
It feels SOOOO good to come home, now. YAY :)
My next big task will be the laundry room and garage. I gotta do 2 rooms at a time. It's just the way I work.
PS- I have a test Tuesday and my Lab Final on Friday...say a little prayer for me if you don't mind :)
Have a TERRIFIC week!
Peace :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sargeant Cune & Pretty Nicole
So, today Cune (my prophetic gym owner) trained some of the female trainers. Apparently this used to be a weekly tradish, but has kind of fallen off the map in recent months. Anywho, we're picking it back up! I'm way excited. I LOVE working out with other people. SO much more entertaining. Um...sad story though. It made me realize how NOT in great shape I am. I'll blame part of it on our pregnancy situation from the last few weeks. I was definitely not quite feeling up to par. But STILL! It felt sooooooooo good and I'm POSITIVE that I'm gonna be super sore tomorrow. And I'm way excited about that. It's been a while! At the end of the workout Cune pulled a fast one on me, though. We ran 3 miles! YUCK. I am NOT a runner. I mean, I can do it, but the THOUGHT of doing it does not excite me in the LEAST! Unless I'm at Town Lake in my beloved Austin :) We trucked through it, though, and I feel awesome and exhausted tonight! I think I'm going to sleep amaaaazingly!
I have started getting a lot closer with some of the girls who train at Premier with me. They're awesome. They have been ultra sweet and I am reallyyyy excited to continue getting to know them. I think me and 2 others, Emily & Markquette, are gonna start doing a weekly lunch. Fun :) Em and her bf of a LONG time are going through a break up and she is reallyyyy struggling, but is starting to see God working through it! Yay God :)
I talked with Cune for a while today about our miscarriage and he was superrr empathic. He and his wife went through a miscarriage at 24 weeks before they were Christians. He said it was one of the most difficult things he's ever experienced, BUT it led to him finding and accepting Jesus and ultimately has led to an amaaazing ministry that he has in Tyler! Just another example of how awesome God is, and how incredible it is to look back at our struggles and see where The Lord has been working like crazy through them.
Finally, I must post this BEAUTIFUL picture of one gorgeous actress who is a FAV of one of my best friends. Lately I have been noticing Nicole's age starting to show, but DANNNNG, this pic was taken a few days ago and that girl is bangin! So Kayla, this one's for you... you guys and hope you all have a terrific week :) Mer and guys have an AWESOME time together this weekend! I'll be thinkin of you 4 :) Roberto- you are in our prayers BIG TIME! T-babe, I'm prayin like crazy for your interview and for the END OF YOUR COLLEGE CAREER! Loobs- I'm writing you another letter in the morning! And, PS- I miss you! Hub- you're the bomb :)
Love <3
I have started getting a lot closer with some of the girls who train at Premier with me. They're awesome. They have been ultra sweet and I am reallyyyy excited to continue getting to know them. I think me and 2 others, Emily & Markquette, are gonna start doing a weekly lunch. Fun :) Em and her bf of a LONG time are going through a break up and she is reallyyyy struggling, but is starting to see God working through it! Yay God :)
I talked with Cune for a while today about our miscarriage and he was superrr empathic. He and his wife went through a miscarriage at 24 weeks before they were Christians. He said it was one of the most difficult things he's ever experienced, BUT it led to him finding and accepting Jesus and ultimately has led to an amaaazing ministry that he has in Tyler! Just another example of how awesome God is, and how incredible it is to look back at our struggles and see where The Lord has been working like crazy through them.
Finally, I must post this BEAUTIFUL picture of one gorgeous actress who is a FAV of one of my best friends. Lately I have been noticing Nicole's age starting to show, but DANNNNG, this pic was taken a few days ago and that girl is bangin! So Kayla, this one's for you... you guys and hope you all have a terrific week :) Mer and guys have an AWESOME time together this weekend! I'll be thinkin of you 4 :) Roberto- you are in our prayers BIG TIME! T-babe, I'm prayin like crazy for your interview and for the END OF YOUR COLLEGE CAREER! Loobs- I'm writing you another letter in the morning! And, PS- I miss you! Hub- you're the bomb :)
Love <3
Friday, April 18, 2008
Quick Update:
I think most of the blog world probably already knows, but I just want to make sure...
Brian and I found out OFFICIALLY that I miscarried. The baby just never developed properly, so we lost it. At this point, we are just feeling peaceful. We have suspected that this was the case for quite some time, so it feels good to have confirmation. Although we just recently found out, we started the mourning/healing process over a week ago. We were just never able to work on FINISHING it until now :) Thanks for the love/support/encouragement. We love you guys!
We are now waiting just a little while to decide what we want to do in terms of actually TRYING to get pregnant. We'd love some help praying that we are seeking God's timing and not our own :)
We're going to The Shoog this weekend for Reidster's blessing. Can't wait :) Riles will be there too, and the Curry Connection hasn't been together for quite a while!
PS- Reidy officially informed my parents this past week that he's going to San Diego State. Crazy! I think we're all sad he's going to be SO far away, but excited for a FUN opportunity!
Hope everyone's weekend rocks.
Love <3
Brian and I found out OFFICIALLY that I miscarried. The baby just never developed properly, so we lost it. At this point, we are just feeling peaceful. We have suspected that this was the case for quite some time, so it feels good to have confirmation. Although we just recently found out, we started the mourning/healing process over a week ago. We were just never able to work on FINISHING it until now :) Thanks for the love/support/encouragement. We love you guys!
We are now waiting just a little while to decide what we want to do in terms of actually TRYING to get pregnant. We'd love some help praying that we are seeking God's timing and not our own :)
We're going to The Shoog this weekend for Reidster's blessing. Can't wait :) Riles will be there too, and the Curry Connection hasn't been together for quite a while!
PS- Reidy officially informed my parents this past week that he's going to San Diego State. Crazy! I think we're all sad he's going to be SO far away, but excited for a FUN opportunity!
Hope everyone's weekend rocks.
Love <3
Monday, April 14, 2008
I am blessed :)
It's amazing how God has blessed me. It's funny how these blessings are never so apparent as they are in stormy weather. He has provided all we need and more in these last few weeks. He has given us hope. He has shown us mercy and grace. He has provided us with incredible people who are mirror images of his amazing love. He has encouraged us through the supportive words and thoughts of our friends and families. He has brought forth new relationships that have been ULTRA clutch during this time. He has blessed me with a husband who is so loving and supportive and tender-hearted that sometimes, I can't even believe he's real :)
To all of the people in our lives, WE LOVE YOU SOOOOO VERY MUCH!! You really have been SUCH an encouragement and comfort to us. Knowing that so many prayers have gone up for us is awesome. Having you all check in so frequently has been such a comfort. Thank you from the VERY bottom of our hearts!
Right now, God is requiring us to be patient and wait on His timing. It's not so bad. We always want answers RIGHT at the very moment that we ask...but I think we can handle waiting a little bit longer :) He is making us stronger... Sharpening us. And we praise Him for that.
To all of the people in our lives, WE LOVE YOU SOOOOO VERY MUCH!! You really have been SUCH an encouragement and comfort to us. Knowing that so many prayers have gone up for us is awesome. Having you all check in so frequently has been such a comfort. Thank you from the VERY bottom of our hearts!
Right now, God is requiring us to be patient and wait on His timing. It's not so bad. We always want answers RIGHT at the very moment that we ask...but I think we can handle waiting a little bit longer :) He is making us stronger... Sharpening us. And we praise Him for that.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Kayla Jane
Kayla came to stay with me for part of this weekend while Brian was outta town. It was wonnnnderful :) Just like the good ol' days of high school when we basically lived together. But this time, we had a bigger bed to share, ha. We basically just chilled out to the max. What with her crazy pre-schoolers and my early mornings, we both needed some down time. Today I took her on a grand tour of Tyler, Texas. It really is a pretty place!
Only one down-side to the weekend: Poor Kayla has a severe shedding-dog allergy...and Kerbey set it off like crazy! After a mere 15 minutes of being in my Kerbey-infested house, Kayla had bumpy itchy arms, red/SUPER watery eyes, an itchy nose, a headache...a full-blown allergic reaction that didn't stop until she showered and we turned my bedroom into a germ-free zone. We quarantined her in there and let Claritin save the day :) I thoroughly enjoyed having a night full of girly chatting and fun with one of the greatest ppl in the world!
So, thanks Kayla for coming to visit and keep me company during a vulnerable stage of life. AND thank you for being SUCH an incredible friend. It means soooo much and has made me realize just how blessed I am to have you as a friend for life :) God hooked me UP!
PS- I just took a 3.5 hour nap and it was AMAAAAZING!
PPS- I'm happy Bistro is home :)
Peace <3
Only one down-side to the weekend: Poor Kayla has a severe shedding-dog allergy...and Kerbey set it off like crazy! After a mere 15 minutes of being in my Kerbey-infested house, Kayla had bumpy itchy arms, red/SUPER watery eyes, an itchy nose, a headache...a full-blown allergic reaction that didn't stop until she showered and we turned my bedroom into a germ-free zone. We quarantined her in there and let Claritin save the day :) I thoroughly enjoyed having a night full of girly chatting and fun with one of the greatest ppl in the world!
So, thanks Kayla for coming to visit and keep me company during a vulnerable stage of life. AND thank you for being SUCH an incredible friend. It means soooo much and has made me realize just how blessed I am to have you as a friend for life :) God hooked me UP!
PS- I just took a 3.5 hour nap and it was AMAAAAZING!
PPS- I'm happy Bistro is home :)
Peace <3
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Our Prayer...
At our doc visit yesterday, we received some not so great news. It wasn't BAD news, but it wasn't good either. We found out that there is a POSSIBILITY of bad news to come. That's never comforting. So anyway, we just ask that you guys keep us and our little baby in your prayers. We know that God's will prevails over ours, and we praise Him for that, but of course it's always nice when our will is in line with God's :)
Details: Our baby and the embryonic sac were too small. They couldn't tell a ton from the pictures, so they came up with 2 scenarios:
1.) We are just earlier in our pregnancy than they had originally thought.
2.) Our baby will reabsorb (aka- spontaneous miscarriage)
So...that's where we're at. God knows what He's doing, we just pray that our hearts are prepared for whatever He has in store!
Love <3
Details: Our baby and the embryonic sac were too small. They couldn't tell a ton from the pictures, so they came up with 2 scenarios:
1.) We are just earlier in our pregnancy than they had originally thought.
2.) Our baby will reabsorb (aka- spontaneous miscarriage)
So...that's where we're at. God knows what He's doing, we just pray that our hearts are prepared for whatever He has in store!
Love <3
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Reidy-boo is going to college!!

Okay, so Reid is in the midst of making a super difficult decision!! He is trying to decide where to attend college. I know for some, this was a super easy decision, but it was one of the TOUGHEST decisions I have ever had to make in my life. So, I understand where Reid's at. He's debating between San Diego State and Texas State.

I'm writing this post just to ask for you guys to shoot a few prayers up for Reidster when you think about it. Pray that God is preparing a perfect place for him. Pray that Reid's is seeking The Lord's will in his decision. And just pray that he can experience some peace.
K, thanks! You guys rock :) It's pretty amazing that I have friends that I know I can count on for prayer. LOVE YOU ALL! <3
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sleep is for the birds...
...AND developing babies, apparently.
One of the head trainers at Premier is back home in Australia (how cool is that?) for 2 weeks so she gave me 5 of her clients to train while she's gone! In the last 2 days, 3 of them have already cancelled! Normally I would prob be a little bit bummed, but I have been taking naps in the back seat of my car any chance I get between clients at the gym! I've been able to fit one in almost every day this week and the energy boost they give me is AMAZING! I'm starting to feel a little bit more tired lately, which is annoying to me.
Today, however, I did not get to take my nap and I am FEELIN it!! Brian and I took Kerbster to "the spot"...this reallyyyy pretty place in the back of The Cascades with tons of trees, a lake, and little creek that she lovvves to run around in. Anywho, I'm pretty sure I very closely resembled the walking dead. Ha, it's only 8:24, and I'm thinkin I'm hitting the bed in no less than 30.
My 5:00am client, Clay, is the urologist I have previously mentioned who used to talk constantly about kidney stones. Well, he's finally moved on to bigger and better topics of discussion, thank The Lord! I'm training his wife for the next two weeks and we were talking today about having kids. Her and Clay are super excited for us to have kids because they SO wish they had started younger. Well um...the convo started out great. She was telling me how EASY it is to drop your baby weight when you're already pretty fit before the pregnancy. Then she pointed out that this only holds true after your FIRST child. After kiddo #2, all bets are out the window and the preg belly sticks like glue. I'm really not paranoid at all about how big I'll get or how easy/hard it will be to lose the weight, but I can't lie. She made me a teeeeeny bit nervous!
Okay, I am SO excited to have a weekend at HOME where I can sleep til a normal hour and get some stuff done around this house! I guess because I've been so tired lately I have been a bit of a lazy bum. Our house pretty much looks like my bedroom always used to look in high school. For any of you who knew me then, this is a MAJOR PROBLEM. Ha. Not for long though. That's #1 on my priority list for the weekend :)
I CAN'T WAIT TIL OUR APPOINTMENT ON MONDAY!!! I hope we can see the heartbeat :)
Peace <3
One of the head trainers at Premier is back home in Australia (how cool is that?) for 2 weeks so she gave me 5 of her clients to train while she's gone! In the last 2 days, 3 of them have already cancelled! Normally I would prob be a little bit bummed, but I have been taking naps in the back seat of my car any chance I get between clients at the gym! I've been able to fit one in almost every day this week and the energy boost they give me is AMAZING! I'm starting to feel a little bit more tired lately, which is annoying to me.
Today, however, I did not get to take my nap and I am FEELIN it!! Brian and I took Kerbster to "the spot"...this reallyyyy pretty place in the back of The Cascades with tons of trees, a lake, and little creek that she lovvves to run around in. Anywho, I'm pretty sure I very closely resembled the walking dead. Ha, it's only 8:24, and I'm thinkin I'm hitting the bed in no less than 30.
My 5:00am client, Clay, is the urologist I have previously mentioned who used to talk constantly about kidney stones. Well, he's finally moved on to bigger and better topics of discussion, thank The Lord! I'm training his wife for the next two weeks and we were talking today about having kids. Her and Clay are super excited for us to have kids because they SO wish they had started younger. Well um...the convo started out great. She was telling me how EASY it is to drop your baby weight when you're already pretty fit before the pregnancy. Then she pointed out that this only holds true after your FIRST child. After kiddo #2, all bets are out the window and the preg belly sticks like glue. I'm really not paranoid at all about how big I'll get or how easy/hard it will be to lose the weight, but I can't lie. She made me a teeeeeny bit nervous!
Okay, I am SO excited to have a weekend at HOME where I can sleep til a normal hour and get some stuff done around this house! I guess because I've been so tired lately I have been a bit of a lazy bum. Our house pretty much looks like my bedroom always used to look in high school. For any of you who knew me then, this is a MAJOR PROBLEM. Ha. Not for long though. That's #1 on my priority list for the weekend :)
I CAN'T WAIT TIL OUR APPOINTMENT ON MONDAY!!! I hope we can see the heartbeat :)
Peace <3
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
THANK YOU, Jim Rome!!

-Jim Rome-
I stumbled across this quote thanks to my friend Dan. And, I temporarily fell in love with Jim Rome (I NEVER thought I'd say that...he's usually REALLY annoying!).
Okay, that's all.
PS- Have I mentioned I'm HAVING A BABY!!!
As of right now the un-official due date is November 26, but we will get the official one in a week! eeeehhhH!!!
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