So I have a phenomenal baby. This week she has started sleeping for about 7 hours a night without eating. AWESOME! She had one bad night...her worst night yet...where she cried a lot (which is super rare) and didn't go to sleep until 3am. It actually made me worry bc her behavior was so out of character. But she's back to her normal jolly self...sleeping, chirping, eating, and of course fussing a little bit here and there.
I LOVE MY SWEET LITTLE BABYGIRL!!! And...I love that she is already allowing us to pretty much sleep through the night.
Musings from RoxyB; a wife, mom, fitness trainer, nutrition & lifestyle coach, stork-lady, and most importantly: daughter of The Most High.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day to B-Rizzle & Rand!!
This morning, Brian woke up to his first FATHERS DAY!! yay :) I was gonna fix him a yummy breakfast, but he just wanted I was off the hook on that one! Averton and I DID, however, present him with a cute little gift. I took a pic but don't feel like uploading it right now. Will do soon. It's just a cute little keepsake for B to have of his babygirl!! And I have a pic of my 2 loves to upload. That will happen in the next few days. Scouts honor :)
OH! And we went and bought a big fan to put in our garage/workout room to prevent us from passing out during our new endeavor! Speaking of p90x...Brian did one of the workouts today and said it really wasn't that tough. When we actually start the program FOR REAL, I know it will be 150% more challenging. I can't wait :)
Okay...back to Father's Day. It's so fun to be able to celebrate mother's/father's day now! Since back when I was just crushing on Brian...I LOVED thinking about what an amazing daddy he would be. I love watching him love on Aves. It makes me melt to see the love in his eyes when he looks at her. :) There's just nothing like it!
And to MY daddy- HAPPY FAJ DAY!!! Thanks for being the greatest pops I could ever imagine having! I love you with all my heart and I really am SO thankful for every single thing about you! Riles, Reid, and I know that we are incredibly lucky to have such a hilarious, honest, loving, generous dad!! MUAH!
OH! And we went and bought a big fan to put in our garage/workout room to prevent us from passing out during our new endeavor! Speaking of p90x...Brian did one of the workouts today and said it really wasn't that tough. When we actually start the program FOR REAL, I know it will be 150% more challenging. I can't wait :)
Okay...back to Father's Day. It's so fun to be able to celebrate mother's/father's day now! Since back when I was just crushing on Brian...I LOVED thinking about what an amazing daddy he would be. I love watching him love on Aves. It makes me melt to see the love in his eyes when he looks at her. :) There's just nothing like it!
And to MY daddy- HAPPY FAJ DAY!!! Thanks for being the greatest pops I could ever imagine having! I love you with all my heart and I really am SO thankful for every single thing about you! Riles, Reid, and I know that we are incredibly lucky to have such a hilarious, honest, loving, generous dad!! MUAH!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Life at the Moment
*Avery is 6 weeks old and her latest milestone is: SMILING!! :) It's presh. I'm in love with that gummy grin. Now I just have to get a pic of it!!
*She has outgrown her NB diapers and is now in size 1. She ALSO has outgrown the majority of her newborn sized CLOTHS! It's crazy. I didn't expect that happen yet. She's moving on up in the world...
*I had to venture up to my old stomping grounds (the gym) yesterday to take a pic for our new trainer profiles, so while there I took advantage of the scale! Not for I'm not too interested in my weight just yet. Avery weighs 11.5 pounds! Holy mack. We've got a big girl on our hands.
*It's Father's Day Wknd and I'm pumped! I can't wait for Avery and I to make her little Father's Gift for Brian. I'm just waiting to find SOME excuse to get him out of the house so we can get ON it. His gift from me arrived yesterday and we are BOTH excited. P90X. Watch out world...In 90 days Brian and I are gonna be O.O.C. in shape :) I'll definitely be chronicling that experience...
*I don't know if I ever mentioned that my parents recently purchased some land in Fredericksburg (their favvv place!) and are in the process of building a little getaway house out there! So far they've started putting up the power lines and I think they just recently started building the road. I haven't seen the land yet...only pics...but it is SUPER rugged! It's definitely gonna take LOTS of clearing :) Can't wait to visit Pura Vida!!
*The week before July4th wknd my mom's side of the fam is heading down to galvy for a week-long celebration of my grandma's bday. We are RARELY all together, so I CANNOT wait! Plus...I need a tan...BAD. And since I didn't get to do the whole pregnant belly/straw hat/ocean thing... I'll do the new born baby under an umbrella in the sand thing :)
*Reidster is back in Texas after a year of school in Cali. He loved it, but is sooo glad to be back in the best state in the US! He has been waiting for months to hear from UT about whether or not he was accepted in as a transfer student, and unfortunately, he didn't get in. HOWEVER- he now KNOWS where he's going, which is nice, and starting in August the Currys will have a Red Raider in the fam! Congrats to my baby bro for getting into college! (again.)
*Brian finally used the rest of his Academy gift cards that he wanted to badly for his bday. He was pumped to spend them on golf gear (of course.) Turns out, he got ME a little set of clubs!! I got after him for not spending it on himself, but he said it IS for him, bc this means we'll be able to play together someday! He taught me how to swing, and I must say- I surprised myself. I am BY NO MEANS good...but there's hope! Thanks, coach :)
*I go back to work July 6th and I'm really excited! I miss the gym. I miss my clients. I miss my co-workers/friends. I just miss social interaction with lots of people!
*I go back to work July 6th and I'm kind of sad about it! I will miss spending all day every day with my little munchkin. Our gym offers childcare, so I'll have her there with me for the majority of my workday...but still. I'll miss her!
*Last night Avery went 6 hrs & 45 min between feedings! My babygirl is the bommmmb. She knew her mommy was TIRED and needed a good night's sleep. Thanks little angel :)
*My friend Kylee has been out of town all week and doesn't get back until Monday. I miss her! And her dog, Mick.
*So I'm really debating about what route I want to take in furthering my education. If all works out in other aspects of our life to allow me to go to Physical Therapy school, I'M THERE. But, if not- I am DEFINITELY considering an MBA. The opportunities that each option open up are super exciting to me. For now though, I'm just doing lots of research and waiting to see where God leads us as a family. Decisions about schooling can definitely wait :)
*I hope that Riley, Reid, Amy, & BrianAveryandI live super close to each other when we grow up! I miss them!! And so does Avery!
I hope everyone has a terrific weekend planned, whether it's fun & event-filled or relaxing & totally void of activity. Love & miss!!
*She has outgrown her NB diapers and is now in size 1. She ALSO has outgrown the majority of her newborn sized CLOTHS! It's crazy. I didn't expect that happen yet. She's moving on up in the world...
*I had to venture up to my old stomping grounds (the gym) yesterday to take a pic for our new trainer profiles, so while there I took advantage of the scale! Not for I'm not too interested in my weight just yet. Avery weighs 11.5 pounds! Holy mack. We've got a big girl on our hands.
*It's Father's Day Wknd and I'm pumped! I can't wait for Avery and I to make her little Father's Gift for Brian. I'm just waiting to find SOME excuse to get him out of the house so we can get ON it. His gift from me arrived yesterday and we are BOTH excited. P90X. Watch out world...In 90 days Brian and I are gonna be O.O.C. in shape :) I'll definitely be chronicling that experience...
*I don't know if I ever mentioned that my parents recently purchased some land in Fredericksburg (their favvv place!) and are in the process of building a little getaway house out there! So far they've started putting up the power lines and I think they just recently started building the road. I haven't seen the land yet...only pics...but it is SUPER rugged! It's definitely gonna take LOTS of clearing :) Can't wait to visit Pura Vida!!
*The week before July4th wknd my mom's side of the fam is heading down to galvy for a week-long celebration of my grandma's bday. We are RARELY all together, so I CANNOT wait! Plus...I need a tan...BAD. And since I didn't get to do the whole pregnant belly/straw hat/ocean thing... I'll do the new born baby under an umbrella in the sand thing :)
*Reidster is back in Texas after a year of school in Cali. He loved it, but is sooo glad to be back in the best state in the US! He has been waiting for months to hear from UT about whether or not he was accepted in as a transfer student, and unfortunately, he didn't get in. HOWEVER- he now KNOWS where he's going, which is nice, and starting in August the Currys will have a Red Raider in the fam! Congrats to my baby bro for getting into college! (again.)
*Brian finally used the rest of his Academy gift cards that he wanted to badly for his bday. He was pumped to spend them on golf gear (of course.) Turns out, he got ME a little set of clubs!! I got after him for not spending it on himself, but he said it IS for him, bc this means we'll be able to play together someday! He taught me how to swing, and I must say- I surprised myself. I am BY NO MEANS good...but there's hope! Thanks, coach :)
*I go back to work July 6th and I'm really excited! I miss the gym. I miss my clients. I miss my co-workers/friends. I just miss social interaction with lots of people!
*I go back to work July 6th and I'm kind of sad about it! I will miss spending all day every day with my little munchkin. Our gym offers childcare, so I'll have her there with me for the majority of my workday...but still. I'll miss her!
*Last night Avery went 6 hrs & 45 min between feedings! My babygirl is the bommmmb. She knew her mommy was TIRED and needed a good night's sleep. Thanks little angel :)
*My friend Kylee has been out of town all week and doesn't get back until Monday. I miss her! And her dog, Mick.
*So I'm really debating about what route I want to take in furthering my education. If all works out in other aspects of our life to allow me to go to Physical Therapy school, I'M THERE. But, if not- I am DEFINITELY considering an MBA. The opportunities that each option open up are super exciting to me. For now though, I'm just doing lots of research and waiting to see where God leads us as a family. Decisions about schooling can definitely wait :)
*I hope that Riley, Reid, Amy, & BrianAveryandI live super close to each other when we grow up! I miss them!! And so does Avery!
I hope everyone has a terrific weekend planned, whether it's fun & event-filled or relaxing & totally void of activity. Love & miss!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I have my 6-week check up appointment on Monday and I. CAN'T. WAIT. I am sooooo anxious to be cleared to start working out! It has been OVER 5 months since I worked out hard enough to work up a good sweat. I desperately miss that feeling of sweating hard, gasping for oxygen, and having jello legs! I was instructed, especially because of my stitching and everything, not work out until I had been cleared by my doc. I cheated. Just a little bit though. I walked each of my dogs briskly...or- as briskly as I could handle. I am OUT OF SHAPE! But MAN did it feel good to work up a little sweat and experience slightly labored breathing :) I finished off with a set of lunges and squats and a few bi curls and dips. JUST a few. Like I said...I'm out of shape, dude.
I'm pretty tired now, and I love it. As much as I DREAD the actual events that are to take place at my appointment next week, I can't wait to resume normal life!!
I'm pretty tired now, and I love it. As much as I DREAD the actual events that are to take place at my appointment next week, I can't wait to resume normal life!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Welcome to The Shoog!!
This past weekend we ventured down to Sugar Land! It was Avery's intro to the good ol' Shoog... quite a momentous occasion :) We had a wedding to go to on Sunday (which btw- was one of the most unique weddings I've been was pretty cool!), but for the rest of the weekend we just relaxed and hung out with Nonni, Big Poppy, & Uncle Reidster. Of course we had quite a few visitors, which was super fun, but it was SO nice to just sit back, relax, and watch everyone else hold my babygirl (although I must admit, when we share her with everyone, Brian and I really miss having her all to ourselves by the end of it all!)
Avery experienced her first swimming adventure! Surprisingly, she LOVED it! Here she is sporting the little bikini that Melissa got for her. PRESH!
Reid & Melissa- love 'em :)
**No pics with Nonni! sad! Mom- you need to send me some pics!!
**No pics with Nonni! sad! Mom- you need to send me some pics!!
It was great to see everyone that we got to visit with while we were in The Shoog! Jacci, Roberto & Scarlett, Gaynor & Ray, the Freede/Girod/Agan clan, the Thors, the Currys, the Grays, and the great-grandparents...thanks for coming to visit! Can't wait to see everyone again.
PS- Magen, my moo, suffered a head injury almost 2 weeks ago and is at her parents house recovering for the next couple of weeks. Although it was serious at the time, she is doing better and is expected to recover fully before too long so that she can return to work! On Friday we went to visit her, and meeting Avery definitely cheered her up a bit :) Keep her and her recovery in yours prayers!
PPS- This post-pregnancy body has not been nice to my bank account. I really haven't spent MUCH on new stuff...but most of my shorts don't fit me...and NONE of my swimsuits do. SO- while in The Shoog, I had to go purchase a new suit so that I could lay out at my parents pool and at least START working on my pastiness! Wow- having boobs puts a whole new spin on swimsuit shopping. EVERYTHING felt hoochie. I finally found something somewhat acceptable, although I'm still not sure I'll feel comfortable in public! I guess I'll just have to buy another one that covers a little bit more :)
PPPS- Avery had her first church First Colony! She was great, quiet, and even raised her hands to PRAISE THE LORD while we were singing some of the songs ;P Ha- it was pretty cute :)
Hope you all are doing well and are enjoying the sweet summertime! MAN I miss that Houston heat! ...seriously.
Love! <3>
PS- Magen, my moo, suffered a head injury almost 2 weeks ago and is at her parents house recovering for the next couple of weeks. Although it was serious at the time, she is doing better and is expected to recover fully before too long so that she can return to work! On Friday we went to visit her, and meeting Avery definitely cheered her up a bit :) Keep her and her recovery in yours prayers!
PPS- This post-pregnancy body has not been nice to my bank account. I really haven't spent MUCH on new stuff...but most of my shorts don't fit me...and NONE of my swimsuits do. SO- while in The Shoog, I had to go purchase a new suit so that I could lay out at my parents pool and at least START working on my pastiness! Wow- having boobs puts a whole new spin on swimsuit shopping. EVERYTHING felt hoochie. I finally found something somewhat acceptable, although I'm still not sure I'll feel comfortable in public! I guess I'll just have to buy another one that covers a little bit more :)
PPPS- Avery had her first church First Colony! She was great, quiet, and even raised her hands to PRAISE THE LORD while we were singing some of the songs ;P Ha- it was pretty cute :)
Hope you all are doing well and are enjoying the sweet summertime! MAN I miss that Houston heat! ...seriously.
Love! <3>
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hook 'em BABY!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Fam Portrait
Friday, June 5, 2009
Roll Over.
I forgot to post about this earlier in the week, but Avery did something totally cool the other day. SHE ROLLED OVER!! We were having some tummy time on her blanket in the living room while Brian was outside grilling, and all of a sudden the little booger just rolled right over onto her back! So, at 3 weeks and 1 day old little Avery Nicole Bradford rolled over for the first time.
I was excited. I don't know if that's normal, early, was fun :) I think it was kind of a fluke and probable won't happen again for while, but it was fun, nonetheless!
I was excited. I don't know if that's normal, early, was fun :) I think it was kind of a fluke and probable won't happen again for while, but it was fun, nonetheless!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
2 TERRIFIC Years!!
Yesterday Brian and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary!! Exciting, huh? We had called my mom and asked her to come up here to keep babygirl so we could have a date night! We have been itching for some "just us" time, so Nonnie OF COURSE took us up on the offer! When I had asked my momma, I didn't even realize it was on our fact- when I got out of my morning bath, I was COMPLETELY taken by surprise when Brian said, "Happy Anniversary Babe!" Anyway, it worked out great. It was a great day. We went out to dinner at Kiepersol Estates, which we had tried to do once before. It's Tyler's only vineyard/winery and it was really pretty and DELICIOUS! Brian told me how pretty I looked about 10 times... he forgot what I looked like because he's gotten so accustomed to my man-look for the last month or so :) Sorry babe- I promise I'm not letting myself go for good..I just need a LITTLE more time! Sidenote: While we were out, Avery had her first bottle! And my mom said she guzzled :) Such a good baby :) PS- Pumping is weird. Moving on...
We were planning on catching a movie afterwards, but that didn't work out because I wasn't feeling up to it. SO- today Nonnie watched Aves again while B and I caught a matinee! We were going to see Night @ the Museum 2 bc we LOVED the first one...but we confused the times and ended up seeing Disney Pixar's "Up" in 3D! It was superrr cute! Much cuter than I expected :) Anywho- thanks mommy for keeping babygirl and giving us a day for ourselves.

B- I love you so so so so much. Sorry I forgot it was our anni :) The past 2 years have been perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have it any other way! You are such a huge blessing in my life, I wouldn't be who I am without you, and you make everyday GREAT! Thanks for the laughs, the lessons, the support, your honesty, your LOVE, and for sharing every bit of the last 2 years with me. You are the best husband I could ever ask for. God gave me everything I need and more :) THANK YOU I LOVE YOU BYEBYE!!
We were planning on catching a movie afterwards, but that didn't work out because I wasn't feeling up to it. SO- today Nonnie watched Aves again while B and I caught a matinee! We were going to see Night @ the Museum 2 bc we LOVED the first one...but we confused the times and ended up seeing Disney Pixar's "Up" in 3D! It was superrr cute! Much cuter than I expected :) Anywho- thanks mommy for keeping babygirl and giving us a day for ourselves.
B- I love you so so so so much. Sorry I forgot it was our anni :) The past 2 years have been perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have it any other way! You are such a huge blessing in my life, I wouldn't be who I am without you, and you make everyday GREAT! Thanks for the laughs, the lessons, the support, your honesty, your LOVE, and for sharing every bit of the last 2 years with me. You are the best husband I could ever ask for. God gave me everything I need and more :) THANK YOU I LOVE YOU BYEBYE!!
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